...Portions of Sections II and V reflect case research by Jose Torres (formerly of Skadden London) and Sahib Singh (formerly of Skadden Vienna), and the author gratefully thanks these colleagues....
Search Results for : Jose Maria Martin
...Salvador (December 7-12, 1987). San Jose de Costa Rica (February 29 – March 4, 1988), Tegucigalpa (March 7-11, 1988), and Guatemala (March 14-18, 1988). I would like to thank my...
The UNCITRAL Model Law and the 1988 Spanish Arbitration Act: ...

...Court before the institution of arbitration, the suppliant will prepare a petition limited to the demonstration of fumus boni iuris and periculum in mora.” José Antonio Fichtner & André Luís...
Provisional Measures in Aid of Arbitration in Brazil

...available at https://www.ibanet.org/ENews_Archive/IBA_30June_2010_Enews_Taking_of_Evidence_new_rules.aspx. [6] Anne-Marie Slaughter & Jose E. Alvarez, A Liberal Theory of International Law, 94 Proceedings of the Annual Meeting (American Society of International Law) 240 (2000), https://www.jstor.org/stable/25659406?seq=1....
TagTime with Prof. Catherine Rogers – Does International Arbitration Enfeeble ...

...& McKenzie ed., 2011). [23] Code de Commerce, Art. L. 621-40; Pierre Mayer, La sentence contraire a l’ordre public au fond, Rev. Arb. 615, 641 (1994); José Rosell & Harvey...
Foreign Arbitral Awards Under Indian Insolvency Law: Room for Improvement?

...Econômico, (Mar. 18, 2020), https://valor.globo.com/financas/noticia/2020/03/18/investidores-iniciam-arbitragem-contra-o-irb.ghtml. Mariana Durão, Companhias abertas temem avanço de ações e arbitragens coletivas de investidores, O Estado de S. Paulo, (Oct. 29, 2020), https://economia.estadao.com.br/noticias/governanca,companhias-abertas-temem-avanco-de-acoes-e-arbitragens-coletivas-de-investidores,70003493588. Ana Paula Ragazzi,...
Overview of Securities Arbitration in Brazil: Challenges and Developments

...Judge Francisco Rezek served as Argentina-appointed arbitrator in [CMS vs. Argentina and LG&E vs. Argentina]” and “[t]he same experts also submitted opinions on necessity, including José Alvarez, Ann-Marie Slaughter with...
Necessity in Investment Arbitration: Boosting the ICSID System’s Legitimacy

...partners Brazil on $1.2 bn Green Imperative Program to deepen agriculture benefits in Nigeria Businessday NG (2022), https://businessday.ng/agriculture/article/fg-partners-brazil-on-1-2-bn-green-imperative-program-to-deepen-agriculture-benefits-in-nigeria/ (last visited Apr 4, 2022); see also José Romildo, Chanceler destaca papel...
The Brazil-Nigeria Samba: From Partners in Business to Parties in ...
...The author would like to thank Mr. Jose Feris, the Deputy Secretary General of the ICC for his feedback and Ms. Riddhima Kedia, student at the Government Law College, Mumbai...
Standard and Burden of Proof in International Commercial Arbitration: Is ...
...brought together some of Italy’s best-known experts on international trade and arbitration. These included Professor Giorgio Bernini, Professor Michael Joachim Bonell, Professor Sergio Maria Carbone, Professor Antonio Crivellaro, Professor Ugo...
Report from Italy: The Gulf Crisis and Contracts under Execution* ...

...importance to the possibility of the award being reviewed by national courts following national law reflected in Eco Swiss China Time Ltd v. Benetton International NV (C-126/97) and Elisa María...
The Unresolved EU Law Question: Reorganizing the Current Status of ...
Author: Eyvana Maria Bengochea Jurisdiction: Europe Topics: BITs Investment Disputes On March 6, 2018, the Court of Justice of the European Union (“CJEU”) issued the first precedent in regards to...