
Author: Juan Perla* Jurisdiction: United States California New York Florida European Union France United Kingdom Canada Topics: Artificial Intelligence SVAMC International Character of Dispute Practice and Procedure On April 30, 2024, the Silicon Valley Arbitration and Mediation Center (SVAMC) published the first edition of its “Guidelines on the Use of […]

A Closer Look at the New SVAMC Guidelines for AI ...

Author: Rana Sajjad*   Is institutional arbitration a solution looking for a problem in Pakistan? This question was raised at the end of the first part of this blog post. As a perennial optimist, my short answer is: most definitely not. Institutional arbitration has been designed and widely adopted around […]

If You Build It, They Will Come: The Story of ...

Author: Marina Bertucci Ferreira* Jurisdiction: Brazil Topics: National Legislation Commercial Disputes Mining Introduction Mining is critical for the global economy. Minerals are key materials for most industrial and consumer products. Moreover, in the era of energy transition, mining assumes a pivotal role by providing “transition minerals” like lithium, nickel, and […]

Mining Arbitration in Brazil

Author: Danilo Ruggero Di Bella* Jurisdictions: Norway Spain European Union Topics: Investment Disputes International Litigation States as Parties Diplomatic Protection Full Protection and Security Introduction One of the primary purposes of international investment law is the depoliticization of disputes concerning foreign investors and, accordingly, the avoidance of diplomatic protection. However, […]

Full Protection and Security Standard: A Loophole in Diplomatic Protection ...

Authors: Prof. Dr. Antonis Metaxas* and Vassiliki Koumpli** Jurisdiction: Greece Topics: National Legislation Practice and Procedure UNCITRAL Model Law Introduction Arbitration regulation in Greece has adopted the dualist system, distinguishing between domestic and international arbitration. The former is governed by Arts. 867–903 of the Greek Code of Civil Procedure, whereas […]

Unpacking the New Greek Law on International Commercial Arbitration

Authors: Kartikey Mahajan,* Satjit Singh Chhabra,** and Aayushi Singh*** Jurisdiction: Singapore Topics: UNCITRAL Model Law International Litigation Enforcement of Arbitral Awards Interpretation of the Award BRIEF OVERVIEW The Singapore Court of Appeal (SGCA) in The Republic of India v Deutsche Telekom[1] dismissed Republic of India’s appeals against the rejection of […]

SGCA’s Ruling in Republic of India v. Deutsche Telekom: The ...

Author: Luis Ramón Garcés-Díaz* Jurisdiction: Colombia Topics: New York Convention Court Decisions Enforcement of Arbitral Awards  INTRODUCTION In recent years, the Colombian Supreme Court of Justice, Civil Cassation Chamber (the “Colombian Supreme Court” or “the Court”) has issued a number of important decisions adjudicating requests to set aside, recognize, or […]

Reviewing Colombian Supreme Court Judgments on International Arbitral Awards

Author: Mohannad A. El Murtadi Suleiman* Jurisdiction: International Topics: Commercial Arbitration Interim Measures of Protection International Institutions and Rules International Litigation Investment Disputes Introduction Interim measures are valuable tools in international arbitration to deal with cases in which one of the parties stands the risk of suffering harm in connection […]

Interim Measures in International Arbitration: The Case for Applying High ...