Commercial Disputes

Authors: Cesar Pereira C.Arb FCiarb*, Leonardo F. Souza-McMurtrie**, Lorenzo Galan*** Topics: Applicable Law International Character of Dispute Contract Interpretation Commercial Disputes States as Parties International Litigation   Introduction The 2024-2025 Vis Moot Problem highlighted an issue that is not always obvious. When governments buy goods internationally, they conclude international sales potentially […]

Government Contracts and the CISG: Frenemies?

Author: Alexander Grimm* Topics: Arbitration Process Commercial Disputes Contract Interpretation The volume and number of M&A transactions is at a relatively low level at the moment given the global economic background that started in 2022 and still has not recovered. But better times are likely ahead at some point. Despite fewer […]

How to Limit the Risk of Overlong Post-M&A Arbitrations & ...