...the first hearing, counsel for the parties, both of whom were American, raised the question of whether the defendant would be entitled to pre-trial discovery. It was clear that discovery...
Search Results for : Hearing

...hear a story? But is being curious about hearing stories superficial or simply part of being human? Is the human brain not wired to respond in such a way when...
Arbitration Story Time

...to certain types of hearings such as interim measure hearings, simple jurisdictional pleadings, and ICSID annulment hearings. In most hearings, however, he sees the importance of the personal touch given...
Columbia Arbitration Day 2022: Diversity in International Arbitration and Perspectives ...
...an award challenged on the grounds that the arbitrator had, against one party’s request, conducted the arbitral proceeding without an evidentiary hearing.1 In addition, extrinsic evidence submitted had been rejected...
Oral Presentation of Evidence and the Application of the Parol ...
...simply gave notice of an intent to submit to arbitration, identifying the area of dispute in a brief writing and leaving the issues of proof for the hearing, is now...
International Commercial Arbitration: Two Cultures in a State Of Courtship ...

...the wide acceptance and adoption of virtual hearings has confirmed that lawyers, witnesses, and arbitrators do not need to be in the same room for the hearing to be effective...
Metaverse’s First Arbitration Proceeding
...to appear as a witness or produce documents at the hearing (Section II); (ii) an arbitrator’s power to order prehearing document discovery (Section III); and (iii) an arbitrator’s power to...
Arbitral Subpoenas under U.S. Law and Practice – Vol. 14 ...

...no third party can attend arbitral conferences and hearings, “Confidentiality” refers to the non-disclosure of specific information in public. Private hearings do not necessarily attach confidentiality obligations to the parties...
Confidentiality in International Commercial Arbitration: Determining Factor for Safeguarding the ...

...White & Case LLP. The first topic discussed was “Arbitral Hearings in the Post-Covid Era.” Mr. King led. He began with an overview of virtual and hybrid hearings, stating that...
ARIA Report: “Arbitration in Two Worlds: U.S. and Brazilian Perspectives ...

...expect a full re-hearing of the issue of jurisdiction, even though the arbitral tribunal may have already heard extensive evidence and made a reasoned decision. In a contrary opinion, the...
A Case for Diversity in the Seat of Arbitration
...widely used in international arbitration, and an overwhelming majority of respondents favoured its greater use in the future of ‘hearing room technologies’, ‘cloud-based storage’, ‘videoconferencing’, ‘AI’ and ‘virtual hearing rooms.’”)...
The Use of New Technologies in International Arbitration

...encourage lead counsel to permit more junior lawyers with significantly less arbitration experience than lead counsel to examine witnesses at the hearing and present argument. The Tribunal, in its discretion,...