...not duplicate that of other organizations. These assumptions are based on the preliminary discussions in the UNCITRAL Working Group III and working papers prepared by the UNCITRAL Secretariat as will...
Search Results for : UNCITRAL

...LICA provisions, available at https://oveisrezvanian.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Iran-Law-on-International-Commercial-Arbitration-LICA.pdf (last visited March 24, 2022). [4] 2006 amendments of the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration (effective 7 July 2006), https://uncitral.un.org/sites/uncitral.un.org/files/media-documents/uncitral/en/19-09955_e_ebook.pdf. [5] ACIC is...
Reasoned Arbitral Awards: An Iranian Perspective

...https://uncitral.un.org/sites/uncitral.un.org/files/media-documents/uncitral/en/arb-notes-2016-e.pdf. [7] UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts, art. 1.4 (2016), https://www.unidroit.org/instruments/commercial-contracts/unidroit-principles-2016; David Oser, The UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts: A Governing Law? 7, 10 (2008). [8] ICC Rules...
The Role of Blocking Regulations in International Arbitration: A Ground ...
Author: Sébastien Besson Published: February 2000 Jurisdiction: United States Topics: UNCITRAL Model Law Description: On June 21st, 1985, the UNCITRAL adopted the “Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration.” A few...
The Utility of State Laws Regulating International Commercial Arbitration and ...

...UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration, U.N. Sales No. E.08.V.4 (2008), available at https://uncitral.un.org/sites/uncitral.un.org/files/media-documents/uncitral/en/19-09955_e_ebook.pdf. [5] International Bar Association, IBA Rules on the Taking of Evidence in International Arbitration (2010),...
TagTime with Prof. Catherine Rogers – Does International Arbitration Enfeeble ...
Author: Robert H. Smit* Published: December 1991 Topics: UNCITRAL CPR FAA Description: In April 1992, the Center for Public Resources, Inc. (“CPR”) issued its “Rules for Non-Administered Arbitration of International...
The Center for Public Resources Rules for Non-Administered Arbitration of ...

Authors: Prof. Dr. Antonis Metaxas* and Vassiliki Koumpli** Jurisdiction: Greece Topics: National Legislation Practice and Procedure UNCITRAL Model Law Introduction Arbitration regulation in Greece has adopted the dualist system, distinguishing...
Unpacking the New Greek Law on International Commercial Arbitration

...clients in domestic/cross-border disputes before various courts, including the Supreme Court of India, and in a variety of arbitral forums. Urvashi is a certified Tribunal Secretary. [1] https://uncitral.un.org/sites/uncitral.un.org/files/media-documents/uncitral/en/arb-notes-2016-e.pdf. [2]...
Tribunal Secretaries: Aids to Mutually Appointed Arbitrator(s) or Inclusion of ...

...is automatically in place. Finally, Ms. Kinnear discussed the new Code of Conduct developed with UNCITRAL. As the two organizations share many member states, ICSID and UNCITRAL have worked together...
TagTime with Meg Kinnear – Tracking the Evolution of the ...

...v. Republic of Indonesia, UNCITRAL, Final Award ¶659 (Dec. 15, 2014). [17] Supra note 6. [18] UNCITRAL Secretariat, Possible reform of investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS), UNCITRAL Working Group III, A/CN.9/WG.III/WP.142...
Systemic Integration: Resolving the Dichotomy of Competing Obligations in International ...

...key aspects of the UNCITRAL Model Law into Brazil’s arbitration regime.[4] Brazil is generally considered a pro-arbitration jurisdiction because its courts —including most notably the Superior Court of Justice (“STJ”)...
Provisional Measures in Aid of Arbitration in Brazil
...United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (“UNCITRAL”) amended the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration 1985 to include extensive new provisions about the power of arbitral tribunals to...