Search Results for : "International Litigation"

AAA Ad Hoc ADR Advocacy Agreement to Arbitrate Anti-Suit Injunctions Appeal to Arbitral Tribunal and Annulment Applicable Conflict-of-Laws System Applicable Law Apportioning of Costs Arbitrability Arbitral Adjudication Arbitral Awards Arbitral...

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...the International Litigation & Arbitration practice of Foley Hoag’s New York office. He is a Board member and the Vice-President of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, NY Branch, a Board...

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...for international and U.S. arbitration research, including related ADR and international litigation resources. Their database, ArbitrationLaw, allows for searches in thousands of PDF documents related to arbitration and other types...

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Authors: Cesar Pereira C.Arb FCiarb*, Leonardo F. Souza-McMurtrie**, Lorenzo Galan*** Topics: Applicable Law International Character of Dispute Contract Interpretation Commercial Disputes States as Parties International Litigation   Introduction The 2024-2025...

Government Contracts and the CISG: Frenemies?