Authors: A. Rohan Perera** and Noel Dias*** Published: June 1991 Jurisdiction: Hong Kong Sri Lanka Topics: Commercial Disputes Investment Disputes Applicable Law ICSID Sources of Arbitration Law BITs Description: This...
Search Results for : "ICSID"
...decisions. Following the creation of the World Bank after the Second World War, the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (“ICSID”) was established for the purpose of arbitrating or...
Reducing Costs and Inconveniences in International Commercial Arbitration and Other ...

...regards to investor-State arbitration, ICSID or the PCA would be the steering wheel, and such international organisations would be omitted from the application of the data protection laws. The ICCA-IBA...
International Arbitration: A Miscellany of Data Protection Regimes and its ...
...and conventions, such as the ECT, NAFTA and ICSID, and the number of arbitrations involving State parties significantly increased. It is generally argued that the use of arbitration is likely...
International Commercial Arbitration Involving a State Party and the Defense ... admitted to the New York Bar (as Attorney at Law) and has experience acting in commercial and investment arbitrations under various institutional rules (ICC, SIAC, KCAB, UNCITRAL, and ICSID)....
Third-Party Notices: The Participation of Non-Parties in Arbitral Proceedings Based ... certain types of hearings such as interim measure hearings, simple jurisdictional pleadings, and ICSID annulment hearings. In most hearings, however, he sees the importance of the personal touch given...
Columbia Arbitration Day 2022: Diversity in International Arbitration and Perspectives ...
...Paris II and Rome I; Diploma Hague Academy of International Law; Attorney; Chartered Arbitrator; FCIArb, Arbitrator and Conciliator in ICSID Panels; Former Chief, Legal and Treaty Section (International Standards), UNESCO....
Validity of Arbitration Agreements, Court Referral to Arbitration and FAA ...

...J. Int’l Arb. 65 (2015). [17] Id. [18] Lew, supra note 3, at 348. [19] Global Telecom Holdings S.A.E. v. Canada, ICSID Case No. ARB/16/16, Procedural Order No. 5(Dec. 13,...
TagTime with Samaa Haridi – Legal Privilege in International Commercial ...

...Salvador, ICSID Case No. ARB/09/17 (Annulment Proceeding), Respondent’s application on security for costs, at ¶ 23. [58] SIAC Rules 2025, Rule 31.4 (a). [59] SIAC Rules 2025, Rule 50.2 (l)....
New Year, New Rules: Highlighting 10 Key Features of the ...
...may find them in W. MICHAEL REISMAN, SYSTEMS OF CONTROL IN INTERNATIONAL ADJUDICATION AND ARBITRATION (1992); and W. Michael Reisman, Reflections on the Control Mechanism of the ICSID System, in...
The Changing Relation of National Courts and International Commercial Arbitration ...
...Procedure: Will the ALI/UNIDROIT Project Succeed? Stephen McAuley The Limitations of Party Autonomy in ICSID Arbitration Anoosha Boralessa Current Developments The Asia Pacific Regional Arbitration Group Michael Pryles Arbitral &...
Volume 15: Issue 2 (December 2005)
...found in article 52 of the ICSID Convention that sets out the grounds for annulment. […] Since 2000, investment arbitration tribunals have construed the FET standard broadly compared to other...