...my retirement and afterward, I enjoy talking about the field. […] DIVERSITY IN TWO PICTURES There is a great deal of nonsense said about diversity, such as the interview of...
Search Results for : "Diversity"

...27, 2021 Benjamin G. Davis A 360-Degree, Kaleidoscopic View of Diversity and Inclusion (or Lack Thereof) in International Arbitration Kabir Duggal and Amanda Lee Diversity in Arbitration in Brazil: An...
Volume 33: Issue 1 (July 2022)
This inaugural Diversity Issue represents ARIA’s ongoing commitment to highlighting minority voices in arbitration. This first issue, largely comprised of articles by women, features their insights and points of view....
Volume 30: Issue 4 (October 2020)

...legal profession abound. The results paint a bleak picture of about the fragile state of wellbeing among legal professionals, with diverse professionals at particular risk. As with the diversity dialogue,...
Through the Looking-Glass: Wellbeing in Arbitration — Part 1

...some of our fellow athletes are littered with hurdles presented by gender, race, nationality, sexuality, gender identity, neurodiversity, disability, professional background, socio-economic background and so much more. The eighth IBA...
Through the Looking-Glass: Wellbeing in Arbitration — Part 2
...information on the differing policies and practices of the major international institutions. We surveyed ten of the major institutions of international arbitration and found great diversity among their rules and...
Publication of International Arbitration Awards and Decisions – Vol. 25 ...

...the arbitrators’ case loads may push arbitration toward curing market inefficiency and even increase arbitrators’ overall diversity (harkening back to the previous day’s conclusion), but a better proposition for increasing...
ARIA Report: “Arbitration in Two Worlds: U.S. and Brazilian Perspectives ...

...the end, they answered a diversity question on the posture of law firms when dealing with this topic. In the afternoon, ArbitralWomen held two afternoon networking sessions through various breakout...
2021 New York Arbitration Week

...as a Research Assistant to Profs. George A. Bermann and Kabir A. N. Duggal on the ICSID Rules, FET clauses, and diversity in international arbitration. [1] [2023] EWHC 234 (Comm),...
The Unresolved EU Law Question: Reorganizing the Current Status of ...
...in breaking glass ceilings for women in arbitration. In honour of this extraordinary accomplishment, Claudia’s article in our recently published inaugural Diversity Issue will be available to download for free....
Claudia Salomon Recommended as President of the ICC Court!
AAA Ad Hoc ADR Advocacy Agreement to Arbitrate Anti-Suit Injunctions Appeal to Arbitral Tribunal and Annulment Applicable Conflict-of-Laws System Applicable Law Apportioning of Costs Arbitrability Arbitral Adjudication Arbitral Awards Arbitral...
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...might arise from an over-abundance of legislative diversity. It guaranteed that deviant provisions in state jurisdictions would not undermine the federal position on arbitration. It thereby purged American law of...