...Too Much? (Blog, April 19, 2021) Brooks W. Daly, Balancing Private Equity Rights and Public Order in Investor-State Arbitration: The PCA Experience (Vol. 30(1) December 2019) Donald Francis Donovan, The...
Search Results for : "Investor-State Arbitration"

...detrimental effects on markets, efficiency, and public welfare.[1] Introduction Corruption has long been recognized as problematic when present in transactions leading to investor-State arbitration (ISA).[2] It creates jurisdictional challenges, typically...
Leniency Agreements and the Standard of Proof in Investor-State Arbitration: ...

...appoint the arbitrators …”);[120] and for investor-State arbitrations (“The Arbitral Tribunal (hereinafter called the Tribunal) shall be constituted as soon as possible … The Tribunal shall consist of a sole...
The Popular Meaning of “Foreign or International Tribunal” in ...
...be fully explored in practice. Nonetheless, the examples of recalcitrant states like Russia and Argentina reveal some serious deficiencies in the investor-state arbitration system which this article aims to analyze....
State Immunity From Execution in the Collection of Awards Rendered ...
...and Rules Confidentiality Arbitral Adjudication Description: Introduction In the early stages of my career, one particular instance highlighted the importance of evidence in investor-state arbitration. In an arbitration involving Venezuela,...
Evidentiary Principles in Investor-State Arbitration – Vol. 28 No. 1
...agreements providing for investor-state arbitration and the criticisms of the practice that have arisen over time. It will then address Ecuador’s experience with investor-state arbitration by examining most of the...
The End of Investor-State Arbitration in Ecuador? An Analysis of ...

...of arbitrators were under the age of fifty.[72] In specialized fields such as maritime arbitration, the average age may be even higher and the perception in investor-state arbitration is that...
A 360-Degree, Kaleidoscopic View of Diversity and Inclusion (or Lack ...
...be formed for a particular dispute. Throughout its history, the PCA has served to meet the evolving needs of international dispute resolution, including modern-day investor-state arbitration. In the 1930s, the...
Balancing Private Equity Rights and Public Order in Investor-State Arbitration: ...

...Grp. III, Possible reform of investor-State dispute settlement (ISDS) — cost and duration, U.N. Doc. A/CN.9/WG.III/WP.153 (Aug. 31, 2018). [26] Secretariat of UNCITRAL Working Grp. III, Possible reform of investor-State...
Columbia Arbitration Day 2020

...atmosphere that is conducive to investment treaties and investor-state arbitration. It is a signatory to over fifty investment treaties and investment-related instruments, including the ICSID Convention and the African Continental...
The Brazil-Nigeria Samba: From Partners in Business to Parties in ...

...security;[6] and (iii) it may ignore that claimant’s financial problems were caused by respondent.[7] So, in which circumstances will tribunals in investor-state arbitrations actually order a claimant to post security...
Restating the Exceptional Circumstances that Warrant an Order for Security ...

Author: Danilo Ruggero Di Bella* Jurisdictions: International Topics: Investor-State Arbitration Procedural Rules An arbitration agreement to submit a dispute to the ICSID need satisfy no requirement other than recording in...