Author: Julio-Cesar Betancourt Published: March 2022 Jurisdictions: International Topics: Practice and Procedure Arbitration Hearings Commercial Disputes UNCITRAL COVID-19 ABSTRACT In March 2020, the world was impacted by the COVID-19...
Search Results for : UNCITRAL
Author: Daniel Levin** Published: December 1991 Jurisdiction: Germany Topics: Categories of Disputes Commercial Disputes UNCITRAL Description: In a decision of December 30, 1991, the District Court (Landgericht) of Hamburg, Germany...
Arbitral Succession in German Re-Unification: A Decision* – Vol. 2 ...
...the words of one esteemed arbitrator, it’s “a magnificent confusion.” International instruments such as the New York Convention and the UNCITRAL Model Law provide uniform standards for recognizing arbitration agreements,...
Favoring Validity: The Hidden Choice of Law Rule for Arbitration ...
...the subject of arbitration rather than litigation1 or, to borrow the language of the UNCITRAL Model Law and the New York Convention, signifying that a claim or dispute is “legally...
Arbitrability Trouble – Vol. 23 No. 3-4
...third country approach is used in the UNCITRAL Model Law. It suggests that the person recommending a mediator “shall take into account the advisability of appointing a conciliator of a...
Mining Mediation Rules for Representation Opportunities and Obstacles – Vol. ...
...institution during the process. On the one hand are ad hoc procedures (such as those under the UNCITRAL Rules) where there is no institution involved, on the other are the...
Commencement of the Arbitration and Conduct of the Arbitration Articles ...

...(“New York Convention”), along with the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration. It states that enforcement of an arbitral award can be denied if courts conclude that the nature...
Imposition of Economic Sanctions: An Embargo on International Commercial Arbitration?
Author: Vratislav Pechota* Published: December 1992 Topics: Proposals to Create an International Arbitration System New York Convention UNCITRAL Model Law Description: The growth of commercial arbitration has been especially conspicuous...
The Future of the Law Governing the International Arbitral Process: ...

...are substantial across different jurisdictions). The UNCITRAL Model Law is based on the territoriality principle, and many countries which have not embraced the Model Law have nevertheless moved in its...
ARIA Report: “Arbitration in Two Worlds: U.S. and Brazilian Perspectives ...
Author: Klaus Peter Berger* Published: January 1993 Topics: Arbitrators and Arbitral Tribunals Applicable Law Lex Mercatoria Practice and Procedure Consolidation of Proceedings New York Convention UNCITRAL Model Law Description: The...
Party Autonomy in International Economic Arbitration: A Reappraisal – Vol. ...

...UNCITRAL rules when a counsel for a party suddenly withdrew from the case a mere few weeks before the scheduled filing date of the pre-hearing submissions. Counsel did not provide...
TagTime with Prof. Nayla Comair-Obeid – Robust Arbitrators: How to ...
...of Proceedings Dispute Resolution and Litigation Mandatory Rules UNCITRAL Description: I. THE NEED OF NEUTRAL PLACES FOR NORTH-SOUTH INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION The strategic importance of international arbitration is obvious in our...