Search Results for : Sir Anthony Evans

...of Arbitrators to Interpret and Apply Federal Antitrust Laws (Vol. 12(3-4) October 2003) Sir Anthony Evans, Arbitration and the Role of Law (Vol. 21(1-4) April 2011) Horacio Falcão, Recognition and...

Search by Topic International Commercial Arbitration W. Laurence Craig Arbitration and the Role of Law Sir Anthony Evans Keynote Luncheon Presentations Arbitrators and the Courts Lord Leonard H. Hoffmann Representation of State...

Volume 21: Issue 1–4 (April 2011)

Articles “Equity” Arbitration in England The Rt. Hon. Sir Michael Kerr The Majority Vote of an International Arbitral Tribunal Stephen M. Schwebel The Center for Public Resources Rules for Non-Administered...

Volume 2: Issue 4 (December 1991)

...Facilitator Stefanie Pfisterer Notes and Comments The Veil of Acquiescence: Between the Lines of an Intuitive Appellate Decision, the Ninth Circuit Subtly Marginalizes FAA Limitations on Judicial Review Anthony Rallo...

Volume 24: Issue 4 (June 2014)