...(last accessed Feb. 6, 2022). [18] See, e.g., Emma Vidak-Gojkovic, Lucy Greenwood and Michael Mcilwrath ‘Puppies or Kittens? How To Better Match Arbitrators to Party Expectations, Vienna International Arbitration Centre...
...Download Full PDF *Michael J. Marks Distinguished Professor in Business Law, tenured Associate Professor of Law, Co-Director, ASEAN Law & Integration Center (ALIC), University of Hawaii William S. Richardson School...
...for grant an application under 28 U.S.C. § 1782: Interested person: The Court held that an ‘interested person’ who could invoke 28 U.S.C. § 1782 is not restricted to a...
...The University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law. The author thanks Antonia Chayes, Mark Clodfelter, Pierre-Marie Dupuy, Michael Glennon, Kazuhiro Nakatani and anonymous reviewers for their encouragement and feedback on...
...data, and in particular Wing Shek and Sarah Lancaster of the LCIA, Gustav Flecke-Giammarco, Michael Burkart, and Viktor Von Essen of the ICC, and Luis M. Martinez of the AAA/ICDR....
...prepared by Brooks W. Daly with the assistance of the staff of the PCA International Bureau, including Ms. Evgeniya Rubinina, Mr. Michael Modesto Gale, and Ms. Juana Martinez Quintero. Opinions...
...Nandakumar Ponniya, Policy of Minimal Intervention Reaffirmed by Singapore High Court, Kluwer Arb. Blog (Dec. 22, 2010), http://arbitrationblog.kluwerarbitration.com/2010/12/22/policy-of-minimal-intervention-reaffirmed-by-singapore-high-court/. [4] McDermott Int’l. Inc. v Burn Standard Co. Ltd., MANU/SC/8177/2006 ¶ 35;...
...courts. The DIFC courts came into existence in 2006 and for the first five years they served as an adjudicatory forum for all commercial disputes within the DIFC. In 2011,...
Author: Michael Waibel* Published: December 2019 Jurisdiction: International Topics: Investment Disputes BITs Description: I. INTRODUCTION The super-norm in the investment treaty regime is the treatment standard of fair and equitable...
...Monestier Letters Of Request: Will A Canadian Court Enforce A Letter Of Request From An International Arbitral Tribunal? Michael Penny Current Developments Ireland As A Place For International Arbitration Leila...
...hearing should not take place in a virtual place.”). Michael Ostrove, Kate Brown de Vejar, Ben Sanderson & Peter Anagnostou, A Review of Key Developments In Response To COVID-19: Online...
...25, U.N. Doc. A/56/10 (2001) [hereinafter ILC Draft]. [5] Burke-White, supra note 3, at 9; ILC Draft, supra note 4, at 75. [6] Vandevelde, supra note 3, at 155; James...
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