...as to its own jurisdiction in a matter is a final ruling and is not subject to review by the common court.’ Sądu NajwyŜszego [Supreme Court] Jan. 28, 2011, Case...
...William R. Spiegelberger The Insider Adversary in International Arbitration Frederick A. Acomb and Nicholas J. Jones Behavioral Insights Into International Arbitration: An Analysis of How to De-Bias Arbitrators Jan-Philip Elm...
...the Work of UNCITRAL and a Model Proposal, in Albert Jan Van den Berg, ICCA Congress Series No. 12 (Beijing 2004): New Horizons in International Commercial Arbitration and Beyond 203...
...Kluwer Arb. Blog (Jan. 12, 2019), http://arbitrationblog.kluwerarbitration.com/2019/01/12/tiona-fireside-chat-with-gary-born-how-to-become-a-star-in-international-arbitration-in-five-easy-steps-and-is-it-still-possible/ (back in early 2019, when asked about new technology to be introduced to assist abitration, Mr. Born “s[aw] no reason why an evidentiary...
...an arbitral hub. But this longstanding resistance to foreign lawyers participating in arbitrations is on the cusp of change. A 2017 proposal in the California Senate (recently revised in January)...
...1981, 1285 U.N.T.S. 157; Agreement for the Promotion and Protection of Investments, U.K.-Yemen, Feb. 25, 1982, 1352 U.N.T.S. 147; Agreement on Encouragement and Reciprocal Protection of Investments, Neth.-Egypt, Jan. 17,...
...their Rules? [1] Matthew Gearing QC, Appeals on Questions of Law – Worth the Trouble?, TagTime (Jan. 27, 2021), available at https://member-delosdr.org/video-tagtime-matthew-gearing-qc-on-appeals-on-questions-of-law-worth-the-trouble/. [2] Arbitration Act 1996, c. 23, § 69....
...Europarechtliche Studien 25, 27–33 (2018). For an assessment of various aspects of its impact see, e.g., André Janssen and Christian Johannes Wahnschaffe, Year one after Achmea: a review of the...
...applicable to contractual obligations into a Community instrument and its modernization, at 33-34, COM(2002) 654 final (Jan. 14, 2003). [5] See GARY B. BORN, INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL ARBITRATION 2183 n. 365...
...Zhongguo Jiang Jian Yi Dai Yi Lu Zhengduan Jiejue Jigou She Quanxin Guoji Shangshi Fating (中国将建一带一路争端解决机构设全新国际商事法庭) (Jan. 25, 2018), http://www.grandall.com.cn/guoji/yiluyidaizixun/180125170611.htm. [11] Cooperation agreement that the Shanghai Higher People’s Court and...
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