Author: William R. Spiegelberger** Published: October 1993 Jurisdiction: Russia Topics: Categories of Disputes Commercial Disputes Arbitral Adjudication Ad hoc Arbitral Awards Appeal to Arbitral Tribunal and Annulment Dispute Resolution and...
Search Results for : "Ad hoc"

...NAFTA) or by agreement of the disputing parties to have their disputes administered by ICSID under the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules. Further, the Centre may also administer arbitrations under ad hoc...
A Potentially Vast Procedural Framework for ICSID Arbitration Provisions Silent ...

...With arbitrators and attorneys getting more experienced after working in ad hoc and institutional arbitrations, organizations may also prefer an ad hoc arbitration system to resolve their disputes. They may...
Key Considerations in Drafting Dispute Resolution Clause in the COVID ... essentially the same as ad hoc arbitration but only better. It offered compelling advantages over ad hoc arbitration, such as streamlined rules, a panel of experienced arbitrators and industry...
If You Build It, They Will Come: The Story of ... state’s unconditional consent to submit to international arbitration. Accordingly, the Ukrainian company commenced arbitration against the Republic of Moldova under the ECT. An ad hoc tribunal seated in Paris,...
Lights Out for the Energy Charter Treaty? The ECJ’s Next ...

...revisions with enthusiasm. Some of the proposed revisions’ more significant changes from the current Law are as follows: Foreign-related Ad hoc arbitration Article 91 of the proposed revisions allows parties...
Chinese Ministry of Justice Proposes Amendments to its Arbitration Law

...preliminary issues, such as jurisdiction and admissibility, will be resolved. The venue options are usually ICSID, UNCITRAL ad hoc tribunals, and/or the local courts of the Host State. However, a...
The Brazil-Nigeria Samba: From Partners in Business to Parties in ...

Authors: Abhijnan Jha* and Urvashi Misra*** Jurisdiction: International Topics: Arbitral Process Ad Hoc Arbitral Awards INTRODUCTION It is not easy to conduct an arbitration. There may be complex matters of...
Tribunal Secretaries: Aids to Mutually Appointed Arbitrator(s) or Inclusion of ...

...Gas Transmission Company v. The Republic of Argentina, ICSID Case No. ARB/01/8, Decision of the ad hoc Committee on the Application for Annulment of the Argentine Republic, ¶¶ 131-132 (September...
Necessity in Investment Arbitration: Boosting the ICSID System’s Legitimacy or legal culture that makes institutional arbitration or some aspect or element of it irrelevant or unsuitable. But if Pakistani businesses and government entities have been writing ad hoc...
If You Build It, They Will Come: The Story of ... support of slavery or trafficking of human organs.”). [12] Biloune v. Ghana, Award on Jurisdiction and Liability (Ad hoc Oct. 27, 1989), [13] Cf. Philip Morris Brands Sàrl...
Columbia Arbitration Day 2020 adapt the rules applicable to the regular joinder to them. In any case, arbitrators will have to make sometimes difficult ad hoc decisions on the procedural rights and obligations...