...“Model Law”) and arose during the discussions of the UNCITRAL Working Group II in September 2007. This Working Group is currently charged with the responsibility of updating the UNCITRAL Arbitration...
Search Results for : UNCITRAL

...Process Paranoia and the Procedural Judgment Rule: A Safe Harbour for Procedural Management Decisions by International Arbitrators, 32 Arb. Int’l 415, 419. [12] UNCITRAL Model Law, art. 18. [13] UNCITRAL...
Is it appropriate to conduct a remote hearing under the ...

...Trade L., UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration 1985, with Amendments as Adopted in 2006, art. 34 (2006) [hereinafter UNCITRAL Model Law]. [13] OLG Frankfurt a. M., 26 Sch...
Lessons from the Past: Avoiding the Frankfurt Surprise in the ...
Author: Klaus Reichert** Published: June 2000 Jurisdiction: Ireland Topics: Categories of Disputes Commercial Disputes UNCITRAL Description: On May 20, 1998, Ireland took a significant step forward in attracting international commercial...
Ireland’s New International Commerical Arbitration Law* – Vol. 11 No. ...
...UNCITRAL WTO LCIA Description: On the 4th and 5th of June 2003, a Colloquium on International Commercial Arbitration and African States, was held at the Senate House, University of London,...
A Colloquium On International Commercial Arbitration And African States 2003* ...

...“Arbitration Statute”), comprehensively governs various aspects of arbitration, including domestic, international, and social arbitration. This law closely followed the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration, as indicated in the...
Reviewing Colombian Supreme Court Judgments on International Arbitral Awards

...International Commercial Arbitration (“UNCITRAL Model Law”) as the basis of their respective arbitration legislations. Pertinently, the UNCITRAL Model Law does not contain specific provisions concerning the principle of confidentiality. Therefore,...
Confidentiality Concerns in Arbitration Disputes: Implementation of Confidentiality in Courts ...
...States of America, UNCITRAL, Final Award on Jurisdiction and Merits (3 August, 2005) [3] S.D. Myers, Inc. v. Government of Canada, UNCITRAL, Partial Award (13 November, 2000) [4] See, Hege...
Bridging the Gap Between Investment Arbitrations and Environmental Concerns: Can ...

...the UNCITRAL Law on International Commercial Arbitration (1985; amended 2006) (the “Model Law”) have been adopted in about 120 jurisdictions worldwide.[5] Therefore, the drafters of the Model Law have achieved,...
A Case for Diversity in the Seat of Arbitration

...revoke their orders.[45] While no specific guidelines or factors for consideration are set out, we anticipate that these provisions will be guided by Article 17A of the UNCITRAL Model Law[46]...
New Year, New Rules: Highlighting 10 Key Features of the ...
...and Costs Enforcement of Arbitral Awards Enforceability UNCITRAL National Institutions and Rules AAA Practice and Procedure FAA New York Convention UNCITRAL Model Law Description: In the United States, until the...
Elements of International Arbitration in the United States – Vol. ...
...set by the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration 1985 (the “Model Law”) as revised and amended by the UNCITRAL Commission in its 39th session in 2006. Download Full...