...place of incorporation of one of the parties or of the non-signatory. It has also been suggested that the extension of the arbitration agreement should be subject to rules of...
Search Results for : non-signatories
...September 22, 2020) Duygu Kiyak, Law Applicable to the Extension of the Arbitration Agreement to Non-Signatories (Vol. 29(3) March 2019) Aditya Sengupta, Enforcing Arbitral Awards on Expropriation Under the Environmental...
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...the claimant, may be a compelling reason to omit non-signatory persons as named arbitration respondents. Also, in a certain number of cases, the existence of non-signatories who might be liable...
Deciphering De Gusa: The Enforcement in U.S. Courts of International ...

Authors: Velislava Hristova & Boris Praštalo* Jurisdiction: England Topics: Non-Signatories Applicable Law Arbitration Agreement In Lifestyle Equities CV and another v. Hornby Street (MCR) Ltd and others...
Which Law Applies When Determining Whether a Non-Signatory is Bound ...

...mutually intended to bind the non-signatory to the arbitration agreement, if such non-signatory is part of the same group of companies as one of the signatories.[3] Thus, when the circumstances...
Amazon v. Future Retail: (Re)Assessing India’s Tryst With the Group ...
...of subsequent reference. However, regardless of the “falseness” of the non-signatory problem, the issue of non-signatories goes to the heart of the very essence of arbitration: that is, consent to...
Game, Set, and Match: Enforcement of Arbitral Awards Against Non-Signatory ...
...non-signatories, has become a classic problem in international arbitration. This is attributable to the increasing volume and complexity of commercial transactions, the proliferation of national and international groups of companies...
The Issue of Non-Signatory States – Vol. 23 No. 3-4

...When it still lacked a name, this issue had already gained significance, as many of the treaty signatories joined the EU two decades ago and, consequently, started reducing tax and...
The Unresolved EU Law Question: Reorganizing the Current Status of ...

...in Absentia: How to Deal with Non-Participation in International Disputes, TagTime (Nov. 17, 2020), available at https://member-delosdr.org/video-tagtime-judith-levine-on-arbitration-in-absentia-how-to-deal-with-non-participation-in-international-disputes/. [2] Military and Paramilitary Activities in and Against Nicaragua (Nicar. v. U.S.), https://www.icj-cij.org/en/case/70....
TagTime with Judith Levine – Arbitration in Absentia: How to ...

...This naturally poses a challenge in proceedings implicating consolidated hearings or the impleadment of non-signatories. Secondly, the provision limits the exceptions to confidentiality to the disclosure of the award for...
Confidentiality Concerns in Arbitration Disputes: Implementation of Confidentiality in Courts ...

...an arbitration agreement and can only bind those parties, unless under exceptional circumstances non-signatories may also participate in the arbitration.[32] Even in that case, the non-signatory would be a party...
Using 28 U.S.C. § 1782 to Assist a Private International ...

...Park. Non-signatories and international contracts: an arbitrator0s dilemma. Multiple parties in international arbitration (Oxford 2009), p.2 (“[c]onsent (even implied from circumstances) remains the cornerstone of arbitration, at least by arbitrators...