...of Arbitration Generally Law Applicable to the Merits Law Applicable to Procedure Lex Mercatoria Mandatory Rules Mediation Mediators Multiple Parties NAFTA National Institutions and Rules National Legislation Nationality of Arbitrators...
Search Results for : %States as Parties"

...efficient ways for parties to settle M&A issues. With the increased number of M&A conflicts, and in order to protect parties from loss due to withheld information, parties use arbitration...
Arbitration In Cross-Border Merger & Acquisition Transactions: An Advantage?

...of arbitration in the United States precedes that date.”[13] Indeed, the very concept of an arbitral tribunal, as it was known in the United States, goes back to ancient times....
The Popular Meaning of “Foreign or International Tribunal” in ...

...not international commercial arbitration unless the parties consent. However, in the United States, the Federal Arbitration Act and the Uniform Arbitration Act adopted as a model by most States, do...
Confidentiality in International Commercial Arbitration: Determining Factor for Safeguarding the ...

...Asian states are parties to the Energy Charter Treaty, and Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan are signatories to the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union, a regional economic integration agreement containing provisions...
Event Report: Exploring International Investment Law and Disputes in Central ...

...the intra EU-BITs bind only the EU States without contemplating investors as individuals. Accordingly, EU States are free to terminate the BITs together with the sunset clauses by an actus...
Treaty Terminating the Intra-EU BITs: a Game-Changer or … Not?

...for both funding parties. It is not easy to provide a list of the operational methods that the funding parties may consider in making the funding decision which may increase...
Negotiating Funding Arrangements: Trick or Treat

...of International Arbitration, Facts and Figures, 2017 Casework Report (2017). [34] See Arbitral Institutions Respond to Parties’ Needs, White and Case Press Release (Ap. 10, 2017), available at: https://www.whitecase.com/news/press-release/arbitral-institutions-respond-parties-needs. [35]...
A 360-Degree, Kaleidoscopic View of Diversity and Inclusion (or Lack ...

...the parties decided to settle the case, saving the tribunal from this dilemma. 3. During the Hearing Dilatory and guerrilla tactics that parties may employ during the hearing process itself...
TagTime with Prof. Nayla Comair-Obeid – Robust Arbitrators: How to ...

...the concerned parties. The arbitration regime of Hong Kong explicitly recognizes confidentiality as an obligation upon the parties, unless the parties to the arbitration agreement have a differential agreement, under...
Confidentiality Concerns in Arbitration Disputes: Implementation of Confidentiality in Courts ...

...certain extent, plays a role in how much confidentiality the opposing parties may claim, and the parties have often contracted around the domestic default rule to add even more confidentiality....
ARIA Report: “Arbitration in Two Worlds: U.S. and Brazilian Perspectives ...

Authors: Georg Scherpf*, Antonios Politis**, and Benedikt Kaneko*** Jurisdictions: Germany International Topics: Arbitral Process Dispute Resolution and Litigation Third Parties in Arbitration Multiple Parties Enforceability of Arbitration Agreements Introduction For...