Authors: Mauro Rubino-Sammartano** and Mark Cantor*** Published: December 2008 Jurisdiction: Dispute Resolution and Litigation ADR Description: I. CRITICISM OF A FULL SUIT OF ARMOR During a conference held some years...
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...Instrumentality of a Foreign State: TMR Energy v. State Property Fund of Ukraine (Vol. 16(3-4) July 2007) Kirsten Weisenberger, From Hostility to Harmony: Buckeye Marks a Milestone in the Acceptance...
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...19, 2019, a WTO Panel ruled for the first time on the nature of the GATT national security exception in a landmark decision concerning Ukraine’s complaint against Russia’s transit restrictions.[39]...
Necessity in Investment Arbitration: Boosting the ICSID System’s Legitimacy
...and bankruptcy courts in New York. The author is indebted to Professor William W. Park, Mark Kantor, Mark Friedman and Floriane Lavaud for their review and comments on this paper...
The Arbitration Fairness Act: Unintended Consequences Threaten U.S. Business – ...
...Justifications for the Supreme Court’s Decision in Hall Street Associates Mark Beckett Protecting Both the FAA and Party Autonomy: The Hall Street Decision David W. Rivkin and Eric P. Tuchmann...
Volume 17: Issue 4 (December 2008)
Author: Tom Childs* Published: October 2015 Description: I. INTRODUCTION The issuance of a “final” arbitral award may only mark the midway point in an international commercial dispute. The losing party...
Enforcement of International Arbitral Awards: Should a Party be Allowed ...
...comfortably settled certainties. Here is at least one step in that direction. Download Full PDF *Mark G. and Judy G. Yudof Chair in Law, the University of Texas at Austin....
Arbitral Power and the Limits of Contract: The New Trilogy ...

Author: Woohyung (Mark) Choe** Jurisdiction: International Topics: Costs and Damages Investment Disputes This is a summary of a May 27, 2020 TagTime series webinar lecture by Funke Adekoya SAN[1], titled...
TagTime with Funke Adekoya SAN – Damages and Costs: Can ...

...Sulamérica [2012] EWCA (Civ) 638 at [25]. [4] Sulamérica [2012] EWCA (Civ) 638 at [57]. [5] BCY v BCZ [2016] SGHC 249. [6] Mark Campbell, The Law Applicable to International...
The Expanded Powers of UK Courts in London-Seated Arbitration Agreements: ...
...The University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law. The author thanks Antonia Chayes, Mark Clodfelter, Pierre-Marie Dupuy, Michael Glennon, Kazuhiro Nakatani and anonymous reviewers for their encouragement and feedback on...
Other Pacific Means of Resolving Iran’s ICJ Certain Iranian Assets ...
...Convention and the Role of Investment Treaties Roberto Castro de Figueiredo A Critique of the 2014 International Bar Association Guidelines on Conflicts of Interest in International Arbitration Mark R. Joelson...
Volume 26: Issue 3 (March 2016)
Author: Mark B. Rees** Published: December 1997 Jurisdiction: United States Topics: Contractual Expansion or Limitation of Judicial Review Description: The Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, in Halligan v....