...sets of rules, are the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the American Arbitration Association (AAA), the LCIA Arbitration International (LCIA), the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC) and the China International...
Search Results for : LCIA

...ICC (Oct. 8, 2020), https://iccwbo.org/media-wall/news-speeches/icc-unveils-revised-rules-of-arbitration. [2] ICC Rules 2021, art. 43. [3] LCIA Rules 2020, art. 31.3; Harshal Morwale, Jurisdiction Clause in the Liability Limitation Provision of the New LCIA...
Dispute Resolution Clause in the ICC Rules 2021: An Innovative ...

...institution itself.[32] In 2017, the LCIA published its numbers: 24% of nominations (97 out of 412) were of women, a 3% increase compared to 2016.[33] Data released by the Swiss...
A 360-Degree, Kaleidoscopic View of Diversity and Inclusion (or Lack ...

...883. [10] Arbitration Act 1996, c. 23 (UK). [11] Int’l Chamber Commerce (ICC), 2021 Arbitration Rules (Jan. 1, 2021). [12] London Ct. Int’l Arb. (LCIA), LCIA Arbitration Rules (Oct. 1,...
TagTime with Dr Stephan Wilske – The Phenomenon of the ...

...(“LCIA”), and International Court of Arbitration[6] (“ICC”) also provide this option, subject to the parties’ consent, in their guidelines/ notes. In India, this option can be traced to Section 6...
Tribunal Secretaries: Aids to Mutually Appointed Arbitrator(s) or Inclusion of ...

...— such as power generation, oil and gas, and mining. Jackie van Haersolte-van Hof has been the Director General of the LCIA since 1 July 2014. She...
Our Boards

...2022). [7] LCIA Arbitration Rules, London Court of Arb., https://www.lcia.org/Dispute_Resolution_Services/lcia-arbitration-rules-2020.aspx. [8] Arbitration Rules 2021, Int’l. Chamber of Commerce, https://iccwbo.org/dispute-resolution-services/arbitration/rules-of-arbitration/#article_26. [9] DIAC (Arbitration Proceedings) Rules 2018, Delhi International Arbitration Centre, http://dhcdiac.nic.in/diac-arbitration-proceedings-rules-2018/....
Technology and Arbitration: The Age of Confidentiality Concerns and Due ...

...it the SIAC, the LCIA, the ICC, ICSID or even the UNCITRAL Model Law. The first part, will provide an analysis of two landmark cases which involved a challenge to...
Crystalizing Jurisprudence: Assessing An Arbitral Tribunal’s Competence To Exclude A ...

...recognition are different. Institutions such as the London Court of International Arbitration (“LCIA”) and the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (“SIAC”) and the Swiss Arbitration Centre stipulate detailed provisions regarding confidentiality...
Confidentiality Concerns in Arbitration Disputes: Implementation of Confidentiality in Courts ...

...should one exist in the first place. Retaking the initial cases, an LCIA tribunal would be empowered to remit the dispute to an independent third party, who shall determine if...
The Perils of Intra-Corporate Arbitration for ESG Disputes

...Arbitration Week 2021, the LCIA Young International Arbitration Group held a webinar on ‘Managing Stress in the International Arbitration Arena’, which explored some of the causes of stress in this...
Through the Looking-Glass: Wellbeing in Arbitration — Part 2

...agreements to arbitrate do, then what those rules say about how the hearing may be conducted may provide an answer. For instance, Article 19(2) of the LCIA Rules grants the...