Author: James T. Peter Published: February 1997 Jurisdiction: International Topics: Dispute Resolution and Litigation International Litigation Mediation Description: Mediation is generally understood as a non-binding, voluntary (dispute) settlement process. It...
Search Results for : Mediation
...Mediation, named the Singapore Convention on Mediation (SCM), “will give businesses greater assurance that mediated settlement agreements can be relied upon to resolve multinational commercial disputes.” A senior lawyer from...
The Singapore Convention: What Happens After the Ink Has Dried? ...
Author: Michael C. Pryles* Published: December 1996 Topics: Dispute Resolution and Litigation ADR Mediation Description: A revolution has occurred in dispute resolution in Australia over the past twenty years. It...
Assessing Dispute Resolution Procedures – Vol. 7 No. 3-4
...Convention on Mediation (more formally titled the United Nations Convention on International Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation) is a new multilateral treaty produced by the U.N. Commission on International Trade...
Implementation of the Singapore Convention: Federalism, Self-Execution, and Private Law ...

...ADR mechanism, mediation also serves as an effective tool, especially in community actions involving sensitive issues. More importantly, with the United Nations Convention on International Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation...
What Role Does Dispute Resolution Have in Tackling Climate Change?

...particularly mediation under the SIAC-SIMC Arb-Med-Arb Protocol, as a complimentary dispute resolution mechanism. The two highlights are: First Case Management Conference: Tribunals are required to consult parties at the first...
New Year, New Rules: Highlighting 10 Key Features of the ...

...Mediation Services, Inc (‘JAMS’) offers a model clause enabling parties to contractually commit to promote diversity in arbitrator appointment.[109] Diversity commitment clauses are also being promoted by organizations like the...
A 360-Degree, Kaleidoscopic View of Diversity and Inclusion (or Lack ...

...While none of the treaties explicitly mention mediation as an option to arbitration, formulations such as: “investors may choose to submit the dispute for resolution in accordance with any applicable,...
The ISDS Clause in the Investment Law of the Kyrgyz ... the Middle East and North Africa. † Cecilia Azar is a partner at Galicia Abogados, specializing in arbitration, mediation and legal proceedings relating to arbitration. She has specialized in...
TagTime with Cecilia Azar – Conflicts of Interest in International ...
Author: Chul-Gyoo Park* Published: June 2006 Jurisdictions: Korea United States Topics: Commercial Disputes Dispute Resolution and Litigation ADR Mediation AAA Description: I. INTRODUCTION Parties who face a dispute and intend...
A Comparative Analysis of Arbitral Institutions and Their Achievements in ...
...B. Kimmelman and Edna Sussman. Co-Chairs Fordham International Arbitration Conference On November 2, 2018 the thirteenth annual Fordham International Arbitration and Mediation Conference was held at Fordham Law School in...
Introduction – Vol. 30 No. 2
Author: Erik Wilbers* Published: December 1998 Topics: Costs and Damages Arbitration Fees WIPO Description: On January 20, 1995, the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center (the Center) organized in Geneva, in...