...Long, U.S., Canada and Mexico just reached a sweeping new NAFTA deal. Here’s what’s in it., Wash. Times (October 1, 2018), https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2018/10/01/us-canada-mexico-just-reached-sweeping-new-nafta-deal-heres-whats-it/?utm_term=.d95aeb9ee9e8. [2] Scott Sinclair, Canada’s Track Record Under NAFTA...
Search Results for : canada
Author: Avraham J. Azrieli** Published: October 1990 Description: The Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement (“FTA” or “Agreement”) was signed by President Reagan and Prime Minister Mulroney on January 2, 1988,...
Dispute Resolution Under Chapter 18 of the Canada-United States Free ...

...Treatment in Canada-Colombia FTA; Majority Finds MST Breach, and Decides That General Exceptions Do Not Relieve Colombia From Its Duty to Pay Compensation, Inv. Arb. Rep. (Sep. 16, 2021), https://www-iareporter-com.prx.law.columbia.edu/articles/analysis-arbitrators-in-eco-oro-v-colombia-environmental-mining-ban-dispute-disagree-on-police-powers-and-scope-of-minimum-standard-of-treatment-in-canada-colombia-fta-majority-finds-mst-breach-an/....
Implications of Conflicting Governmental Priorities and Treaty Language in Eco ...
Author: Michael Penny* Published: May 2002 Jurisdiction: Canada Topics: Court Decisions Judicial Assistance in Procedural Matters Practice and Procedure Discovery Evidence Description: Canadian law and practice over the past two...
Letters Of Request: Will A Canadian Court Enforce A Letter ...

...the purposes of the Convention.[19] Courts in several jurisdictions, such as the US[20] and Canada[21] (both countries having made the Commercial Relationship Reservation), have also held that investment arbitration awards...
Is the New York Convention Applicable for the Enforcement of ...

...recovered. However, where there is no recovery, the attorney receives no payment for his/her services. Contingency fee arrangements are permitted in Canada and the United Kingdom and are particularly common...
Arbitration Finance in the Aftermath of a Pandemic: Third-Party Funding ...

Author: Martin Kwan* Jurisdiction: Canada United States Topics: Contents of the Arbitration Agreement Enforceability of Arbitration Agreements Existence and Validity of Agreement to Arbitrate Jurisdiction and Powers of the Courts...
Unconscionable Arbitration Agreement: To Strike Down Entirely or to “Blue-Pencil” ...
...https://www.asil.org/insights/volume/22/issue/15/2018-proposals-amendments-icsid-rules-icsid-enters-era-trump-populism#_edn3. [8] Id. [9] Supra note 1. [10] Supra note 7. [11] Id. [12] The Government of Canada’s Comments on the Proposed Revisions to the ICSID Arbitration Rules, https://icsid.worldbank.org/en/amendments/Documents/Canada_Comments_12.28.18.pdf (last...
ICSID Rules Amendments: Two Major Proposed Reforms and Reactions from ...
...Agreements with Canada, Mexico, and the US and the Potential Consequences for Developing Countries (Blog, November 11, 2018) Kate Joohyun Lee, Investment Arbitration for Debt Disputes: Undermining Human Rights Compliance?...
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...GDPR impacts the arbitral process, an assumption that was first pointed out in Tennant Energy v. Canada.[7] The ICCA-IBA task force, in the guidelines, has addressed this concern and elaborated...
International Arbitration: A Miscellany of Data Protection Regimes and its ...

Authors[1]: Flávio Luiz Yarshell*, Michael A. Fernández**, Gustavo Favero Vaughn*** Jurisdiction: Brazil Canada United States Topics: Discovery Specialized Arbitration International Litigation In ZF Automotive U.S., Inc. v. Luxshare, Ltd.,...
A Pathway to Obtaining Discovery in the United States in ...
Author: Loukas Mistelis* Published: December 2009 Jurisdictions: Australia China Hong Kong Japan Germany Switzerland Canada Topics: Settlement ADR ICCA Description: I. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS Settlement in international arbitration has been a...