...world including in Australia, Turkey, India, Japan, the Philippines and numerous others. And all of these were referred to as “arbitration tribunals.” [97] In Martin Domke’s[98] 1952 analysis of the...
...December 1994) Howard M. Holtzmann, The Geopolitics of Arbitration (Vol. 3(1-4) December 1992) Martin Hunter, Modern Trends in the Presentation of Evidence in International Commercial Arbitration (Vol. 3(1-4) December 1992)...
Author: Martin Davies* Published: March 2008 Jurisdictions: International United States Topics: Categories of Disputes Commercial Disputes Interim Measures of Protection Interim Measures Relating to Evidence Interim Measures Relating to Property...
Articles Court-Ordered Interim Measures In Aid Of International Commercial Arbitration Martin Davies Arbitration As A Means Of Resolving Sovereign Debt Disputes Karen Halverson Cross Liability v. Quasi-Judicial Immunity Of The...
...refers in the most general terms to “any” obligations that either Party may have entered into “with regard to investments”.[29] To borrow from Professor Martin H. Redish, this argument is...
Author: Martin Kwan* Jurisdiction: Canada United States Topics: Contents of the Arbitration Agreement Enforceability of Arbitration Agreements Existence and Validity of Agreement to Arbitrate Jurisdiction and Powers of the Courts...
Author: Martin Hunter* Published: December 1992 Topics: Choice of Forum/Place of Proceedings Evidence Experts Description: Many aspects of the law and practice of international commercial arbitration have changed profoundly in...
Author: Josh B. Martin* Published: April 2017 Jurisdiction: International Topics: Arbitrators and Arbitral Tribunals Commercial Disputes International Character of Dispute Applicable Law Description: INTRODUCTION The role of mandatory rules within...
...** Isra Mukhtar is a second-year law student at Jamia Millia Islamia. [1] Alan Redfern & Martin Hunter, Law And Practice Of International Commercial Arbitration 12 (6th Ed. 2015)....
...attack on arbitration specifically or on ADR more generally, though I do believe that the cautionary yellow light should be flashing. Download Full PDF *Martin Lipton Professor of Law, New...
...of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts art. 39 (2001), https://legal.un.org/ilc/texts/instruments/english/draft_articles/9_6_2001.pdf. [26] See generally Martin Jarrett, Contributory Fault and Investor Misconduct in Investment Arbitration (2019). [27] Occidental Petroleum Corp. v. Republic...
Author: José María Martín** Published: June 1991 Jurisdiction: Argentina Topics: Arbitrators and Arbitral Tribunals Challenge of Arbitrators Compensation of Arbitrators Arbitral Adjudication Amiable Composition Confidentiality Arbitral Awards Appeal to Arbitral...
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