...International Commercial Disputes (Vol. 3(1-4) December 1992) Raúl Pereira Fleury, Beware of What You Tweet – Social Media and the Objective Test to Challenge an Arbitrator’s Impartiality (Blog, February 18,...
Search Results for : Ira Rosenberg

Author: Ira Rosenberg* Jurisdiction: United States Topics: Enforcement of Arbitral Awards Jurisdiction and Powers of the Courts in Matters of Arbitration Generally Court Decisions Suppose a foreign arbitration court, in...
Taking It Over the Finish Line: The Eleventh Circuit Suggests ...
...treaty arbitrations, and inter-sovereign dispute resolution. **Charles B. Rosenberg, based in Washington, D.C., works in the international trade practice of Hogan Lovells. Mr. Rosenberg concentrates on international trade matters, with...
An Introduction to the Energy Charter Treaty – Vol. 20 ...
...range of legal issues arising out of the law and practice of international organizations. **Charles B. Rosenberg is a Legal Adviser at the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal in The Hague....
Investment Treaty Law and International Law – Vol. 23 No. ...

...Critical Challenge for AI,” Just Think (2024). https://www.justthink.ai/blog/algorithmic-bias-and-fairness-a-critical-challenge-for-ai. [9] Brian Spisak, Louis B. Rosenberg, & Max Beilby, “13 Principles for Using AI Responsibly,” Harvard Business Review (Jun. 30, 2023). https://hbr.org/2023/06/13-principles-for-using-ai-responsibly....
AI in International Arbitration: What Is the Big Deal?
Author: Raúl Pereira Fleury* Published: May 2017 Jurisdiction: International Topics: BITs States as Parties Investment Disputes Challenge of Arbitrators Description: Introduction State succession has always been a complex and controversial...
State Succession and BITs: Challenges for Investment Arbitration – Vol. ...
...Sarah Marsh of American University for her editorial guidance, and to Professors Suyash Puliwal and Charles Rosenberg of American University for their helpful input. All errors are the author’s alone....
Estop That! Defeating a Corrupt State’s Corruption Defense to ICSID ...
...for a New Default Rule? Jack Graves Investment Treaty Law and International Law Matthew T. Parish and Charles B. Rosenberg Efficiency in International Arbitration: An Economic Approach Robert B. Kovacs...
Volume 23: Issue 1 (August 2012)
...the Energy Charter Treaty Matthew T. Parish and Charles B. Rosenberg Substantive Ordre Public in Russian Case Law on the Recognition, Enforcement and Setting Aside of International Arbitral Awards Dmitry...