Search Results for : Andrea Avila Salgado

AAA Ad Hoc ADR Advocacy Agreement to Arbitrate Anti-Suit Injunctions Appeal to Arbitral Tribunal and Annulment Applicable Conflict-of-Laws System Applicable Law Apportioning of Costs Arbitrability Arbitral Adjudication Arbitral Awards Arbitral...

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...Sports Arbitration: How the Structure and Other Features of Competitive Sports Affect Consent As It Relates to Waiving Judicial Control Andrea Marco Steingruber A Choice of Public Law? Resolving the...

Volume 20: Issue 1 (April 2010)

...Mayer Sovereign Immunity as a Barrier to the Enforcement of Investor-State Arbitral Awards: The Re-Politicization of International Investment Disputes Andrea K. Bjorklund The Arbitrator’s Mission and the Application of Law...

Volume 21: Issue 1–4 (April 2011)

...Reviews Peter B. Rutledge, Arbitration and the Constitution George A. Bermann Monique Sasson, Substantive Law in Investment Treaty Arbitration, The Unsettled Relationship Between International and Municipal Law Andrea K. Bjorklund...

Volume 24: Issue 1 (May 2013)

...and Comments Class Arbitration – When a Silent Arbitration Clause May Still Be Sufficient: A Comparison of Arbitration in the Corporate Context in Germany and the U.S. Carolin Andrea Emmert...

Volume 27: Issue 2 (October 2016)