...treatment (“FET”) —a standard that has no analogue in the trade regime. FET features in nine out of ten investment treaties. It also radiates out to the investment regime more...
Search Results for : "FET"

...of the FET standard. In defending a FET violation, India may invoke Article 14 of the India-China BIT which allows India to take measures for the protection of its Essential...
India’s ban on Chinese apps: Could India face the fire ...

...standard of treatment, as well as the obligation to provide fair and equitable treatment (FET).[8] In his dissent, Sands argued that the tribunal conflated MST with FET in its analysis...
Implications of Conflicting Governmental Priorities and Treaty Language in Eco ...

...Treatment (“FET”) and Most Favored Nation (“MFN”) (Art. 5). However, the 2015 Model BIT restructured these protections, excluding both FET and MFN provisions. Instead, it limited the host state’s obligations...
India–UAE Bilateral Investment Treaty 2024: Breaking New Ground or Following ...

Author: Kruthi Venkatesh* Jurisdictions: International Topics: NAFTA Denial of Justice Fair and Equitable Treatment (FET) Due Process In an unprecedented finding, the arbitral tribunal under the North American Free Trade...
Lion Mexico Consolidated v. Mexico: An Unprecedented Finding of Denial ...

...Central Asian countries are similar in providing certain standards of substantive protections for the foreign investor, such as fair and equitable treatment (FET); expropriation (direct and indirect) protections; most-favored-nation (MFN)...
ВITs in Central Asia: Opportunities and Risks

...Lebanon’s international investment agreements contain a full protection and security (FPS) clause.[11] These provisions have received relatively little attention by arbitral tribunals compared to the Fair and Equitable Treatment (FET)...
Potential Arbitration Proceedings for Investor-State Disputes Arising in the Aftermath ...

...standard, the fair and equitable treatment (FET). Arguably, the scope of application of the two standards may sometimes overlap to the extent that the absence of full protection and security...
Full Protection and Security Standard: A Loophole in Diplomatic Protection ...

...as a Research Assistant to Profs. George A. Bermann and Kabir A. N. Duggal on the ICSID Rules, FET clauses, and diversity in international arbitration. [1] [2023] EWHC 234 (Comm),...
The Unresolved EU Law Question: Reorganizing the Current Status of ...

...Especially regarding the consistency and clarity of legal standards—such as fair and equitable treatment (FET) and expropriation—the reform attempts regarding the ECT and the concerns raised by the Working Group...