Author: Tarang Agarwal* Jurisdictions: India Topics: Arbitration Legislation UNCITRAL Model Law Arbitral Process Post-Award Remedies In a judgment passed in the case of Ratnam Sudesh Iyer v. Jackie Kakubhai Shroff[1]...
...of Foreign Arbitral Awards (UNCITRAL), which have evolved into a Central Asian regional mechanism capable of liberalizing investment and its protection. In particular, Central Asia’s bilateral investment treaties (BITs) are...
...Dispute Settlement (ISDS) has been identified by UNCITRAL Working Group III (Investor-State Dispute Settlement Reform) as a serious concern “raising ethical issues such as third-party funders influencing the arbitral process.”... the Road,5 J. World Inv.& Trade 231, 238(2004). [40] Ethyl Corp. v. Can., Award on Jurisdiction, ¶ 84 (NAFTA/UNCITRAL 1998), [41] Brauch, supra note 28, at 2. [42]...
...may be conducted on an ad hoc basis, without the benefit of institutional guidance and assistance. Ad hoc arbitration remains the exception, although, since the adoption of the UNCITRAL Rules,...
Author: Matthias Lehmann* Published: July 2007 Topics: Investment Disputes Dispute Resolution and Litigation ICSID UNCITRAL NAFTA Description: This article examines the three types of procedures offered for the resolution of...
Articles Reflections on the U.S. Statutory Framework for International Commercial Arbitration: Its Scope, Its Shortcomings, and the Advantages of U.S. Adoption of the UNCITRAL Model Law Daniel M. Kolkey In...
Author: Todd J. Weiler* Published: February 2000 Topics: Categories of Disputes Investment Disputes ICSID UNCITRAL BITs NAFTA Description: There has been a considerable amount of political hand wringing, but not...
...which have since been amended and updated regularly to incorporate the UNCITRAL Model Law.[3] To address the growing demand for international dispute resolution, KCAB INTERNATIONAL was established in 2018 as... arbitration and a preference for bilateralism over open offers. Participation in ISDS reform processes by Central Asian states has been limited. Kazakhstan’s submission to UNCITRAL Working Group III supported...
...parties.[11] In line with the UNCITRAL Model law and other arbitration rules, the new Italian law has crystallised the duty of arbitrators to be independent and impartial and has also...
...and the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration (hereinafter “Model Law”) in particular. The wealth of information provided by these reports is astounding; it allows practitioners to find solutions...
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