Author: Rodolfo Donatelli* Published: July 2020 Jurisdiction: International Topics: Anti-Suit Injunctions ICSID Third Parties in Arbitral Proceedings Description: The main concern with anti-suit injunctions is that, while nominally directed at...
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...anti-suit injunction internationally and comity considerations (Section IV); e. the effects of such anti-suit injunctions before the courts of E.U. Member States under E.U. law, both currently (Section V), and...
Validity of Arbitration Agreements, Court Referral to Arbitration and FAA ...

...(S.D.N.Y. Aug. 27, 2008). [45] Gorskie, supra note 41, at 295-96; S. I. Strong, Anti-Suit Injunctions in Judicial and Arbitral Procedures in the United States, 66 Am. J. Comp. L.153,...
Anti-Arbitration Injunctions: The Endless Tussle for Jurisdiction

...anti-suit injunctions and anti-arbitration injunctions. It explained that the principle of forum non conveniens applies only when there are competing courts and not when a dispute is before an arbitral...
Do Indian Courts have the Power to Grant Anti-Arbitration Injunctions?
Author: Dominique T. Hascher* Published: April 2011 Jurisdiction: International Topics: Anti-Suit Injunctions Description: Anti-suit injunctions were originally common-law remedies used to deal with parallel litigation enjoining one of the parties...
Injunctions in Favor Of and Against Arbitration – Vol. 21 ...

Author: Nishanth Kadur* Jurisdictions: Singapore United Kingdom International Topics: Applicable Law Arbitrability Anti-Suit Injunctions Introduction Subject-matter non-arbitrability has routinely hindered the enforcement of arbitration agreements in various jurisdictions. While cases...
Determining Arbitrability at the Pre-Award Stage: An Analysis of the ...
...Indeed Come From Nothing? (Vol. 13(1-4) December 2003) Vincenzo Vigoriti, International Arbitration in Italy (Vol. 1(1) March 1990) Anti-Suit Injunctions Rodolfo Donatelli, A Multi-Factor Test for Anti-suit Injunctions in ICSID...
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...this decision is likely to be read in conjunction with the Kamenogorsk case,[9] where the Supreme Court held that anti-suit injunctions could be granted by English courts where foreign proceedings...
The Expanded Powers of UK Courts in London-Seated Arbitration Agreements: ...
Author: Julian Ranetunge** Published: September 2019 Jurisdiction: International Topics: Court Decisions Anti-Suit Injunctions Judicial Assistance in Procedural Matters Jurisdiction and Powers of the Courts in Matters of Arbitration Generally Description:...
Brussels in a Bind: West Tankers, Gazprom, and Damages for ...
...Anti-Suit Injunctions Agreement to Arbitrate Existence and Validity of Agreement to Arbitrate Stay of Court Proceedings Pending Arbitration Arbitral Awards New York Convention Description: Comity among nations is a notoriously...
Coordination or Chaos: Do the Principles of Comity, Lis Pendens ...
Author: Lynn Abell** Published: August 2013 Description: I. INTRODUCTION In its 2009 West Tankers decision, the European Court of Justice (“ECJ”) rendered a much-critiqued opinion holding that anti-suit injunctions issued...
Disarming the Italian Torpedo: The 2006 Italian Arbitration Law Reforms ...

...commercial courts in matters involving a sanctioned Russian entity. These sanctioned parties can also seek anti-suit injunctions against foreign courts or arbitral tribunals, rendering sole jurisdiction to the Russian courts....