...the parties had agreed to submit the settlement of their dispute to arbitration in accordance with said rules. There were no cases of ad hoc arbitration. Alleged grounds to set...
...This applies equally to an ad hoc arbitral tribunal to which each of two parties has appointed an independent arbitrator, and the two have chosen a chairman. These interrelated cases...
Author: J. Stewart McClendon* Published: June 1990 Jurisdiction: United States Florida Georgia Hawaii California Topics: Categories of Dispute Commercial Disputes Arbitral Adjudication Ad hoc Dispute Resolution and Litigation Enforcement of...
...embody a few, open-ended norms as the relevant legal disciplines imposed on States for the benefit of foreign investors; and (c) ad hoc international arbitration, modelled along the lines of...
Author: Mark Ribbing** Published: December 1993 Topics: Arbitral Adjudication Ad hoc UNICTRAL Third Parties in Arbitral Proceedings Description: Since the end of the Second World War, the legal significance of...
...tribunal to order interim measures (sometimes called conservatory or protective measures), as do the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules 1976, the rules most commonly used in ad hoc arbitrations. In mid-2006, the...
...Russian Arbitration Court and Ad Hoc Arbitration in Russia William R. Spielberger Arbitral & Judicial Decisions Circumvention of New York Convention Requirements Through Application of Domestic Standards: The Case of...
...the consistent development of the law. It is strongly arguable that cases are better decided by judges of experience than by arbitrators selected ad hoc for the purposes of a...
...an ad hoc basis or under a range of institutional rules. She has been consistently recognized by Who’s Who Legal as a Thought Leader for International Arbitration, and in 2018...
...empirical research in international arbitration is that data is scarce. By definition, there is almost no data available on ad hoc arbitration. For institutional arbitration, although some arbitral institutions offer...
...WTO Panels’ working procedures have established ad hoc procedures dealing with confidential business information, where “Business Confidential Information” (“BCI”) has been defined as “any information that is designated Business Confidential...
...where applicable, to international treaties, including the New York Convention. The enforcement of arbitral awards rendered in institutional — ICC, LCIA, SCC etc. — or ad hoc arbitration proceedings between...
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