Search Results for : Michael Buhler

Articles International Commercial Arbitration in Belgium Bernard Hanotiau International Commercial Arbitration in the United States Michael Hoellering The Hong Kong Arbitration Ordinance: Some Features and Recent Amendments Neil Kaplan International...

Volume 1: Issue 1 (March 1990)

Articles “Equity” Arbitration in England The Rt. Hon. Sir Michael Kerr The Majority Vote of an International Arbitral Tribunal Stephen M. Schwebel The Center for Public Resources Rules for Non-Administered...

Volume 2: Issue 4 (December 1991)

Articles The Role of National Courts at the Threshold of Arbitration George A. Bermann The Lesser Evil: How and Why Litigation over Arbitration Awards Should Have Preclusive Effects Michael J....

Volume 28: Issue 3 (December 2017)

...Examining New Approaches to the Interpretation of MFN Clauses in International Investment Agreements Jeremy R. Stewart Fair and Equitable Treatment as Boilerplate Michael Waibel Promoting Sustainable Development in BITs: The...

Volume 30: Issue 1 (December 2019)