...Reflections on the Internal and External Legitimacy of WTO Dispute Settlement J.H.H. Weiler The WTO’s Legitimacy Crisis: Reflections on the Law and Politics of WTO Dispute Resolution Jeffrey L. Dunoff...
Search Results for : Jeffrey L. Dunoff
...Jeffrey L. Dunoff, The WTO’s Legitimacy Crisis: Reflections on the Law and Politics of WTO Dispute Resolution (Vol. 13(1-4) December 2003) Alexander K.A. Greenawalt, Does International Arbitration Need A Mandatory...
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Author: Jeffrey L. Dunoff* Published: December 2003 Topics: Dispute Resolution and Litigation Description: The WTO’s innovative dispute settlement system has quickly become one of the most frequently utilized mechanisms for...
The WTO’s Legitimacy Crisis: Reflections on the Law and Politics ...

...rooms, anchored to the themes presented in the morning panel. This third day also included a webinar organized by CIArb and NYIAC and moderated by Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler. The speakers, Adriana...
2021 New York Arbitration Week

...should be based on concrete facts, followed by satisfaction of the burden of proof.[10] 2. Bridgestone v. Panama This case involved a conflict between an expert and a counsel. The...
Crystalizing Jurisprudence: Assessing An Arbitral Tribunal’s Competence To Exclude A ...

...Human Rights Law: Diverging Trends in the United States and France, 23 American U. Intl. L. R. 855, 866 (2007). [28] See, e.g., Surya Deva, Background Paper for India’s National...
Hague Rules on Business and Human Rights Arbitration: What Lies ...
...and Buenos Aires. **Pablo T. Spiller is Jeffrey A. Jacobs Distinguished Professor of Business and Technology, University of California, Berkeley, and Director of LECG in Buenos Aires and Emeryville, CA....
Damage Valuation of Indirect Expropriation in Public Services – Vol. ...
...Time to Awaken the New York Convention’s Dormant General Reciprocity Clause? Jeffrey H. Dasteel Investment-Treaty Protection of Commercial Arbitration Awards: Lessons from the Jurisprudence Ricardo Ampudia Developing Court Practice in...
Volume 26: Issue 4 (December 2015)
...Arbitrate Morten M. Fogt Pathologies, Presumptions and Proof – Adjudicating the Effectiveness of Arbitration Agreements Jeffrey Waincymer The Investment Requirement of the ICSID Convention and the Role of Investment Treaties...