Search Results for : Howard A. Ellins

...FAA (Vol. 13(1-4) December 2003) Howard A. Ellins & Christopher H. Withers, Judicial Deference to the Authority of Arbitrators to Interpret and Apply Federal Antitrust Laws (Vol. 12(3-4) October 2003)...

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...Interpret and Apply Federal Antitrust Laws Howard A. Ellins & Christopher H. Withers Current Developments The Use of Med-Arb In International Commercial Dispute Resolution Emilia Onyema Enforcing Foreign Arbitral Awards...

Volume 12: Issue 3-4 (October 2003)

...Policy in International Arbitration Hans Smit Mass Claims Processes Howard M. Holtzmann Amending The Federal Arbitration Act William W. Park Comment on a Proposed New Statute for International Arbitration Richard...

Volume 13: Issue 1-4 (December 2003)

...Evolution The International Federation of Commercial Arbitration Institutions Michael F. Hoellering The Geopolitics of Arbitration Howard M. Holtzmann On Communication in International Arbitration Pierre Lalive A Practitioner’s Observations on the...

Volume 3: Issue 1–4 (December 1992)