Volume 3: Issue 1–4 (December 1992)

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I. Theoretical and Doctrinal Considerations

Injunctions Across National Frontiers: A Tale of Two Cities
Andreas F. Lowenfeld

The Future of the Law Governing the International Arbitral Process: Unification and Beyond
Vratislav Pechota

How Much Freedom Should an International Arbitrator Enjoy? — The Desire for Freedom from Law v. The Promotion of International Arbitration
Otto Sandrock

II. A Process in Evolution

The International Federation of Commercial Arbitration Institutions
Michael F. Hoellering

The Geopolitics of Arbitration
Howard M. Holtzmann

On Communication in International Arbitration
Pierre Lalive

A Practitioner’s Observations on the Resolution of International Commercial Disputes
Lawrence W. Newman

III. Emerging Issues

Competence to Set Aside an Award and Procedural Grounds for Refusing Enforcement: The Viewpoint and Role of the Arbitration Law Expert
George A. Bermann

Costs in ICC Arbitration: A Practitioner’s View
Michal Bühler

Living with the Party-Appointed Arbitrator: Judicial Confusion, Ethical Codes and Practical Advice
James H. Carter

Laying Down a Gauntlet: The Thirty-Six Hour Chairman
Benjamin Davis

A Tale of Three Cities: Arbitrator Misconduct by Abuse of Retainer and Commitment Fee Arrangements
Lawrence F. Ebb

Modern Trends in the Presentation of Evidence in International Commercial Arbitration
Martin Hunter

Standards of Conduct for Counsel in International Arbitration
Jan Paulsson

The Role of the United States Agent to the Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal, 1981-1983
Arthur W. Rovine

IV. National and Regional Treatments

Arbitration in EC Law
Christian Gavalda

Arbitration Among the Russians
John N. Hazard

The Long March of Italian Law Toward International Arbitration
Vincenzo Vigoriti