Authors: Ylli Dautaj* and Maxime Chevalier** Published: February 2022 Jurisdictions: International Topics: Recognition, Enforcement, and Execution ICSID Sovereign Immunity States as Parties ABSTRACT This article analyzes the interaction and intersection...
Search Results for : "Recognition" in Russia, the Russian party, or the Russian court on its own motion, may seek to block such recognition and enforcement on public policy grounds. Denial of recognition and...
The Scope of the Public Policy Exception to the Recognition ...
Authors: Dmitry Davydenko* and Eugenia Kurzynsky-Singer** Published: July 2010 Jurisdiction: Russia Topics: Enforcement of Arbitral Awards National Institutions and Rules New York Convention Description: I. INTRODUCTION The recognition and enforcement...
Substantive Ordre Public in Russian Case Law on the Recognition, ...
...It has been increasingly accepted, and also empirically proven, in the last ten years that corporations trust and use international arbitration and other alternative dispute resolution processes. While the recognition...
Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards and Settlement in International ...
...disputes arising from transactions across national borders. The choice of arbitration over litigation in national courts is motivated substantially by the multilateral conventions on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral...
Application of the Doctrine of Forum Non Conveniens in Summary Proceedings ...
Author: Tyler B. Robinson* Published: May 2013 Description: The United Nations Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards1 (the “New York Convention” or “Convention”) governs the recognition...
The Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards as Foreign ...
...effective in Brazil, the winning party will have to file a request for the recognition2 of the foreign arbitral award before the Brazilian Superior Tribunal de Justiça in its Portuguese...
Recognition of Foreign Arbitral Awards in Brazil – Vol. 24 ...
...the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (the “New York Convention”), recognition and enforcement of an arbitration award may be denied if the opposing party can prove that s/he...
The Due Process Defense to Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign ...
...or other ADR mechanisms. Download Full PDF *Special Section on the 2008 Survey on Corporate Attitudes Towards Recognition and Enforcement of International Arbitral Awards **Paul Friedland is the head of...
Comments on the 2008 Survey on International Arbitration: Corporate Attitudes ...

...public policy and, therefore, generally granted recognition and enforcement.[44] Pro-Arbitration and Pro-Recognition Principles Lastly, in several decisions, the Court expressly relied on pro-arbitration and pro-recognition principles underlying the Arbitral Statute...
Reviewing Colombian Supreme Court Judgments on International Arbitral Awards
Author: Horacio Falcão** Published: December 1997 Jurisdiction: Brazil Topics: Commercial Disputes ADR Enforceability Description: On September 23, 1996, Brazil enacted its first arbitration law. The Brazilian Arbitration Law (“BAL”) was...
Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards: A New Chapter ...
Author: Sergia Carias-Borjas** Published: October 1991 Jurisdiction: Senegal France Topics: Commercial Disputes Investment Disputes Enforcement of Arbitral Awards Enforceability ICSID Description: The viability of any international commercial arbitration system depends...