...Procedure and Grounds for Setting Aside Esther Loh, Manifest Disregard: A Legitimate Ground for Vacating International Awards Rendered in the U.S.? (Blog, October 20, 2020) Procedure for Enforcement Marc J....
Search Results for : "Procedure for Enforcement"

Author: Sumit Kulkarni * Jurisdictions: International India Topics: Enforcement of Arbitral Awards National Legislation Procedure for Enforcement Introduction The increasing participation of Indian corporations in global trade has resulted in...
To Do or Not To Do: The Financial Disclosure of ...

Authors: Ata Türkfiliz* Jurisdiction: United States India Topics: Enforcement of Arbitral Awards Sovereign Immunity ICC Procedure for Enforcement The Devas-Antrix saga stands as one of the most significant international...
Devas-Antrix Saga: A New Hope – Amici Curiae Brief
...Arbitral Awards Procedure for Enforcement Description: The decision whether to include or exclude entities that did not sign the arbitration agreement as respondents in a new international arbitration can be...