...conclusion of the law was not enforceable under the FAA. The Supreme Court granted certiorari on the question of whether the FAA’s statutory grounds for vacatur and modification may be...
Search Results for : "FAA"
...district court. The Ninth Circuit granted appeal and addressed each of Biller’s arguments, ultimately reaffirming that Federal Arbitration Act (“FAA”) § 10 contains the exclusive grounds for vacatur of arbitral...
The Veil of Acquiescence: Between the Lines of an Intuitive ...
Author: Suyash Paliwal* Published: December 2012 Description: I. INTRODUCTION As recently as July 2012, a U.S. federal court reiterated that Chapters One and Two of the Federal Arbitration Act (“FAA”)...
The More Favorable Regime Within the “Overlapping Coverage” of FAA ...
Author: Kenneth Davis* Published: December 2003 Topics: Commercial Disputes Appeal to Arbitral Tribunal and Annulment Contractual Expansion or Limitation of Judicial Review Enforcement of Arbitral Awards FAA Description: I would...
Remarks on Amending the FAA – Vol. 13 No. 1-4
Author: Guido Carducci* Published: December 2013 Description: 1. Signatories to arbitration agreements frequently face the risk of noncompliance by one or more of the signatories. This risk is higher in...
Validity of Arbitration Agreements, Court Referral to Arbitration and FAA ...
Author: Sébastien Besson Published: February 2000 Jurisdiction: United States Topics: UNCITRAL Model Law Description: On June 21st, 1985, the UNCITRAL adopted the “Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration.” A few...
The Utility of State Laws Regulating International Commercial Arbitration and ...
Author: James M. Gaitis* Published: December 2006 Topics: Interim Measures of Protection FAA Description: I. INTRODUCTION It would be idyllic to think that the venerable Federal Arbitration Act (“FAA”) has...
The Federal Arbitration Act: Risks and Incongruities Relating to the ...

...First World War required a unification in law.[45] In debating the American Bar Association’s bill for the United States Arbitration Act (a precursor to the FAA), in 1922 Senator Thomas...
The Popular Meaning of “Foreign or International Tribunal” in ...
...Annulment Lawrence W. Newman, A Practitioner’s Observations on the Resolution of International Commercial Disputes (Vol. 3(1-4) December 1992) Kenneth Davis, Remarks on Amending the FAA (Vol. 13(1-4) December 2003) Hans...
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Author: Michael F. Hoellering* Published: March 1990 Jurisdiction: United States Topics: Arbitrators and Arbitral Tribunals Categories of Disputes Commercial Disputes AAA FAA New York Convention UNCITRAL Model Law Description: The...
International Commercial Arbitration in the United States – Vol. 1 ...

...Moreover, in Davis, the Court observed that Sections 5 and 10 of the Federal Arbitration Act (“FAA”) adequately protected the interests of the plaintiffs by providing legal recourse against a...
Unilateral Arbitrator Appointments in the US – A tussle between ...
...the “wholly groundless” exception to arbitrability is inconsistent with the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA), and previous precedent, because under the FAA arbitration is a matter of contract, and courts must...