
Author: Lori Baitarian** Jurisdiction: International Topics: Third-party Funding Independence and Impartiality Arbitrators and Arbitral Tribunals This is a summary of the June 20, 2020, TagTime episode by Cecilia Azar† titled “Conflicts of Interest in International Arbitration: Debates and dilemmas surrounding third-party funding and party representation.”[1] The regulation of conflicts of […]

TagTime with Cecilia Azar – Conflicts of Interest in International ...

Author: Wilson Wang** Jurisdiction: International Topics: Investment Disputes Alvin Yeo,† Senior Counsel, is the Chairman and Senior Partner of WongPartnership LLP. During his “tag time” with Dr. Kabir Duggal and Amanda Lee (a.k.a. Mandy), Mr. Yeo discussed past, current and forward-looking issues about indirect investments in investor-state dispute settlement and in […]

TagTime with Alvin Yeo SC – Indirect Investments in Investor-State ...

Author: Vanessa Tsang* Jurisdictions: China European Union Topics: Comprehensive Agreement on Investments On 30 December 2020,[1] the EU and China, two of the world’s largest economies, finally concluded the Comprehensive Agreement on Investments (CAI),[2] ending the long negotiations which began in 2013.[3] As shown below, there is a prospect that the […]

The EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investments – Promoting Sustainable Business ...

Authors: Himanshu Raghuwanshi* and Krishnanunni U** Jurisdiction: United States Topics: Designation of Arbitrators Arbitrators and Arbitral Tribunals INTRODUCTION Recently, in Trout v. Organización Mundial de Boxeo Inc., the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit invalidated an arbitration agreement on the ground that it was unconscionable.[1] Specifically, the Court held […]

Unilateral Arbitrator Appointments in the US – A tussle between ...

Author: Raúl Pereira Fleury* Jurisdiction: International Switzerland Topics: Independence and Impartiality Arbitrators and Arbitral Tribunals On December 22, 2020, the Swiss Federal Supreme Court (the “Supreme Court”) handled its decision on the case Sun Yang v. Agence Mondiale Antidopage (AMA) and Fédération Internationale de Natation (FINA).[1] In its decision, the Supreme Court decided to […]

Beware of What You Tweet – Social Media and the ...

Authors: Natalia Alenkina** and Hannepes Taychayev† Jurisdiction: Kyrgyzstan Topics: National Legislation Investment Disputes I. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS The government of the Kyrgyz Republic is determined to amend the Law on Investments of the Kyrgyz Republic (“Kyrgyz Investments Law”). The primary reason for this is to limit direct access of foreign investors to […]

The ISDS Clause in the Investment Law of the Kyrgyz ...