Arbitral Process

Author: Saloni Jaiswal*, Kabir Duggal** Jurisdiction: India  Topics: Arbitration Arbitral Process Practice and Procedure Mediation I. Introduction On June 3, 2024, the Government of India’s Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure’s Procurement Policy Division) issued an office memorandum entitled Guidelines for Arbitration and Mediation in Contracts of Domestic Public Procurement […]

The Way Forward: An Analysis of India’s New Guidelines for ...

Author: Rana Sajjad* Topics: Arbitral Process Independence and Impartiality Technology AI’s problem of control has been described as the dispassionate, almost inhumane drive to achieve the objective embedded in its algorithm. A self-driving car, for instance, does not merely need to get from point A to point B. Along the […]

Arbitrators vs Bot-rators: Can AI Make International Arbitration Fairer and ...