Author: Vratislav Pechota Published: December 1997 Jurisdiction: Europe Topics: Dispute Resolution and Litigation Description: This is a collection of papers presented to the 26th Annual Meeting of the International Bar...
Search Results for : David W. Rivkin
Authors: David W. Rivkin and Eric P. Tuchmann** Published: December 2008 Jurisdiction: United States Topics: Enforcement of Arbitral Awards Enforceability FAA Description: In the Supreme Court’s recent decisions regarding the...
Protecting Both the FAA and Party Autonomy: The Hall Street ...
...David W. Rivkin and Charles Platto, Eds., Litigation and Arbitration in Central and Eastern Europe Vratislav Pechota Current Developments Survey of a New Statute Amending Belgian Legislation on Arbitration Bernard...
Volume 8: Issue 3–4 (December 1997)
...Support of the F.A.A.: An Argument Against U.S. Adoption of the UNCITRAL Model Law David W. Rivkin & Frances L. Kellner Disqualiying Lawyers in Arbitration: Do the Arbitrators Play any...
Volume 1: Issue 4 (December 1990)
Authors: David W. Rivkin and Frances L. Kellner** Published: December 1990 Description: Since the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (“UNCITRAL”) adopted the Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration...
In Support of the F.A.A.: An Argument Against U.S. Adoption ...
...Justifications for the Supreme Court’s Decision in Hall Street Associates Mark Beckett Protecting Both the FAA and Party Autonomy: The Hall Street Decision David W. Rivkin and Eric P. Tuchmann...
Volume 17: Issue 4 (December 2008)
Author: Renata Brazil-David* Published: December 2011 Description: I. THE GROWING IMPORTANCE OF INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL ARBITRATION INVOLVING A STATE PARTY One of the most remarkable developments in international commercial arbitration is...
International Commercial Arbitration Involving a State Party and the Defense ...

...Proceeding, No. 2:24-mc-00015-DLR. [16] David Edgar, a Canadian citizen, was the claimant in the underlying arbitration proceeding (David Edgar v. ICBC). Caroline Simson, supra note 17; Order, 3:1-2, In Re:...
A Pathway to Obtaining Discovery in the United States in ...
...Washington. Former Legal Assistant at the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal. The author wishes to thank David Bederman, David Aaron, Nancy Combs and Sam Hirsch for their comments on earlier drafts...
Case No. A27: The Iran-United States Claims Tribunal’s First Award ...
Authors: Brian M. Cogan* and David A. Sifre** Published: March 1999 Jurisdiction: United States Topics: Court Decisions Practice and Procedure Discovery Description: Federal courts in the United States have been...
United States Federal Courts: No Longer Available to Compel Discovery ... the SIAC, the LCIA, the ICC, ICSID or even the UNCITRAL Model Law. The first part, will provide an analysis of two landmark cases which involved a challenge to...
Crystalizing Jurisprudence: Assessing An Arbitral Tribunal’s Competence To Exclude A ...

...conflict of interest that may arise when funders seek to exercise control over dispute resolution. Conflicts of interest implicated by TPF arrangements are addressed in more detail below. III. TPF...