David W. Rivkin and Charles Platto, Eds., Litigation and Arbitration in Central and Eastern Europe* – Vol. 8 No. 3-4

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Author: Vratislav Pechota

Published: December 1997

Dispute Resolution and Litigation

Description: This is a collection of papers presented to the 26th Annual Meeting of the International Bar Association held in Berlin in October 1966 on the topic of Eastern European litigation and arbitration. The book is a welcome addition to the burgeoning body of literature on the law of countries of Central and Eastern Europe which only a decade ago were scarcely acknowledged by Western legal scholars. As noted by Eric A. Schwartz, former secretary general of the ICC Court of Arbitration, who wrote the foreword to the book, “[j]ust in the space of the last few years, the economic upheavals and transformations in Central and Eastern Europe, combined with a massive influx of foreign investment, have altered dramatically the environment for international arbitration in the region.”

Although the focus of the volume is on both civil litigation and arbitration, the present reviewer will, for obvious reasons, attempt to inquire into the quality and practical usefulness of those contributions which deal with arbitration. Out of eleven country reports included in the volume, six are concerned with arbitration.

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*Book Review