Search Results for : Peter Kucherepa

...Rules and Guidelines: A Comparative Analysis Peter J.W. Sherwin and Douglas C. Rennie Two to Tango: Domestic Grounds for Vacatur Under the New York Convention Harout Jack Samra The Unilateral...

Volume 20: Issue 3 (October 2010)

...Proper Role? Peter C. Thomas Notes & Comments U.S. Ratification and Implementation of the Inter-American Convention: A Commentary Charles Robert Norberg Current Developments The Colombian Supreme Court Holds Unconstitutional the...

Volume 1: Issue 4 (December 1990)

Articles Consolidation of International Arbitrations in the United States in the Wake of Boeing Peter C. Thomas & Edmund C. Burns Arbitration and Contracts involving Corrupt Practices: The Arbitrator’s Dilemma...

Volume 4: Issue 4 (December 1993)

...      Peter Sherwin is a partner and head of the international arbitration practice at Proskauer Rose LLP. He is the U.S. member of the ICC International Court of...

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...Online Dispute Resolution Lenden Webb Book Reviews Jerome Cohen, Neil Kaplan & Peter Malanczuk, Advisory Eds., Daniel Fung & Wang Sheng Chang, General Eds., Arbitration in China: A Practical Guide...

Volume 15: Issue 2 (December 2005)

...Amendments to Japan’s Foreign Lawyers Act Clarify and Broaden the Scope of Party Representation by Foreign Counsel in International Arbitration, Kluwer Arbitration Blog (July 7, 2020), [3]Peter Godwin et...

Will the Recent Amendment to the Japanese Foreign Lawyers Act ...