Search Results for : Tom Arnold

...Society.       Mélida Hodgson is a partner at Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP and is a Chambers ranked recognized investor-state and commercial arbitration practitioner and arbitrator. She...

Our Boards

...Debate, Law360 (May 29, 2018, 6:51 PM), [4] Tom Jones, EU Countries to Cancel BITs Post-Achmea, Global Arbitration Review (Jan. 17, 2019), [5] Id. [6] Set-aside proceeding in...

The Post-Achmea EU: Uncertainty in the Face of Change

...Awards: Should a Party be Allowed Multiple Bites at the Apple? Tom Childs Proposed Guidelines for the Disclosure of Third-Party Funding Arrangements in International Arbitration Elizabeth Chan Prospects of Enforcing...

Volume 26: Issue 2 (October 2015)