Call for Submissions

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The American Review of International Arbitration is currently soliciting manuscripts of articles for possible publication. Accepted contributions present novel ideas and solutions relating to international arbitration. We welcome works by scholars, practitioners, and other professionals with knowledge of the international arbitration field. We also invite student authors to submit Notes for consideration.

As part of our commitment to diversity, authors from communities that are traditionally underrepresented in international arbitration legal scholarship are especially encouraged to submit pieces.

While we remain committed to reviewing all submissions, for this issue we are especially interested in submissions related to the Russia-Ukraine war.

Manuscripts should be submitted as an e-mail attachment in Microsoft Word format to, with “Submission for Review [Last Name]” as the subject line. The deadline for submissions is January 15, 2023.

Before submitting, please read our Submissions Guidelines. We will not accept any submissions that do not follow the Guidelines. We also do not accept articles that have already been published elsewhere, in full or in part.

A member of our staff will confirm receipt of submissions. Please direct questions, comments, and concerns regarding submission to or our Student Editor-in-Chief, Olivia Lu, at