Representation of State Parties in Investment Arbitration* – Vol. 21 No. 1-4

Authors: Mariano Gomezperalta Casali**

Published: April 2011

Investment Disputes
International Litigation
States as Parties


Presiding Officer: Alan R. Crain, Jr.***

Alan Crain: I’m particularly pleased to have the honor of introducing our luncheon speaker, Mariano Gomezperalta. Most recently Mariano was the General Counsel of Mexico’s Ministry of the Economy where he represented the government of Mexico in a wide variety of situations, including representations before the WTO, in connection with NAFTA matters, and a wide range of international trade matters, investment issues, including several investor-state arbitrations and several state-to-state arbitrations. He has also handled a wide range of litigation for the government in Mexican courts. Prior to that he had a significant background in a number of areas, including his expertise in structured finance in international trade, including representing the Export Import Bank of the United States. He holds law degrees from Harvard University as well as UNAM in Mexico. And he has a degree in Economics as well, and is licensed to practice both in the state of New York and Mexico. And invited here to speak in Texas notwithstanding. Please join me in welcoming Mariano Gomezperalta.

Mariano Gomezperalta.: Thank you. I’d like to thank the University of Texas School of Law Center for Global Energy, International Arbitration and Environmental Law for inviting me to this conference. As you have probably heard from the introduction, I’m no longer in the position of General Counsel in Mexico’s Ministry of the Economy. I left the Ministry a few weeks ago, so I’m particularly grateful with the conference organizers that they decided not to withdraw the invitation. It has been a great opportunity for me to learn from all the excellent presentations throughout yesterday and today. I’m quite glad and honored to be given the opportunity to talk about representation of state parties and my view as former General Counsel of Mexico’s Ministry of the Economy. As some of you know, the GC office in Mexico is in charge of representing the government before arbitral tribunals established pursuant to investment chapters in free trade agreements and bilateral investment treaties, and other disputes such as state-to-state disputes before the World Trade Organization.

The opportunity I was given to serve as General Counsel was an incredible experience not only from a legal standpoint but also in terms of dealing with other …

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*Keynote Luncheon Presentation
**robert wray PLLC
***Baker Hughes Inc., Houston, TX.