
Author: Aarohi Chaudhuri* Jurisdiction: International Topics: ICSID Investment Disputes Sources of Arbitration Law International Institutions and Rules Investor State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) has conventionally been a mechanism for investors to bring claims against states, for violating obligations under an international investment agreement (IIA). Importantly, these obligations bind only state signatories, […]

Systemic Integration: Resolving the Dichotomy of Competing Obligations in International ...

Author: Utkarsh Khandelwal* Jurisdiction: India China Topics: Investment Disputes BITs Relief and Remedies in General INTRODUCTION Amidst the growing border tensions between India and China, the Indian government on 29 June 2020 took a drastic step in banning fifty-six Chinese apps citing security and data privacy reasons.[1] The ban made India susceptible […]

The Tik-Tok Ban in India: Remedies Under the ISDS Regime

Author: Rajarshi Singh* Jurisdiction: International Topics: Right to Decide on Jurisdiction Jurisdiction and Powers of the Courts in Matters of Arbitration Generally I. INTRODUCTION The principle of compétence-compétence, often termed as the foundational principle of international arbitration, ideates that the arbitral tribunal is vested with the power to rule on the […]

Between Scylla and Charybdis: Should Negative Jurisdictional Decisions by the ...

Authors: Yash More* and Ved Thakur** Jurisdiction: India Topics: Arbitral Process Interim Measures of Protection Arbitrability Choice of Forum/Place of Proceedings On 12th August 2020, the Calcutta High Court in Balasore Alloys Limited v. Medima LLC[1] (“Balasore Alloys“) ruled that Indian Courts have the power to grant anti-arbitration injunctions against foreign-seated arbitrations. […]

Do Indian Courts have the Power to Grant Anti-Arbitration Injunctions?

Author: Woohyung (Mark) Choe* Jurisdiction: South Korea Topics: International Institutions and Rules South Korea has one of the biggest economies in Asia. Its economy is the 12th largest in the world with active foreign capital transfers and trades.[1] As a small country—smaller than the state of Florida—with limited natural resources, […]

KCAB: The Rise of a New Arbitration Hub in East ...