Welcome to ARIA

The American Review of International Arbitration is a quarterly law review that publishes scholarly articles, commentaries on recent developments, case notes, and other materials relating to international commercial arbitration. It is the only publication of its kind in the United States, as well as being one of the leading publications in the field internationally. International arbitration itself is a dynamic practice area of significant, ever-increasing importance due to the need for resolving commercial disputes in the expanding global economy.

ARIA is also proud to have signed the Equal Representation in Arbitration Pledge, which is a pledge aimed at ultimately achieving gender parity in international arbitral tribunals. ARIA is committed to improving the profile and representation of women in international arbitration and to increase the number of women appointed as arbitrators on an equal opportunity basis.

ARIA is proud to be a partner of the Columbia International Arbitration Association, the place to go to for arbitration-related events at Columbia Law School!