Under the Revised Uniform Arbitration Act – Vol. 8 No. 3-4

AuthorStephen J. Ware*

Published: December 1997

United States
Court Decisions
Sources of Arbitration Law

Description: The Uniform Arbitration Act is one of the most successful uniform laws. It has been enacted in 35 states and 14 other jurisdictions have substantially similar statues. Originally enacted in 1955, the Uniform Arbitration Act is now being revised for the first time.

The current draft of the Revised Uniform Arbitration Act contains a number of changes from the original. While most of these changes are minor, one is great conceptual significance. That is the provision allowing parties to “opt-in” for judicial review of the arbitrators’ legal rulings.

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*Professor of Law, Cumberland School of Law, Samford University. J.D. 1990, University of Chicago; B.A. 1987, University of Pennsylvania. Thanks to Alan Rau and Todd Burkett.