One Small Step Backward?: A Comment on the Ken-Ren Cases* – Vol. 6 No. 1

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AuthorLouise Barrington**

Published: May 1995


Description: A global eyebrow was raised in response to last year’s decisions of the British House of Lords in two separate but similar international arbitration cases initiated by the same party. As one English solicitor was quick to point out, these decisions will doubtless provide an opportunity for critics to “cast doubt on London’s credentials as an international arbitration centre.” At the very least they provide a focus for the continuing dialogue about the relationship between national authorities and international arbitration. At issue was the role of the English courts in an ICC arbitration procedure.

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*Arbitral & Judicial Decisions
**Member of the Ontario and New York Bars; Director, ICC Institute of International Business Law and Practice. All comments and opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author personally and in no way reflect or represent a position of the Institute. The author wishes to thank Kevin Curtin, law student at the University of Florida for his valuable help in research U.S. law.