Book Review – Martin F. Gusy & James M. Hosking, A Guide to the ICDR International Rules (2d Ed) – Vol. 31, No. 3

Author: Hiroko Yamamoto* and Kabir Duggal**

Published: June 2021

National Institutions and Rules
Expedited Proceedings
Interim Measures of Protection
Arbitrators and Arbitral Tribunals
Independence and Impartiality


A Guide to the ICDR International Arbitration Rules (2d ed.) by Martin F. Gusy & James M. Hosking, Oxford University Press, 2019. PP. 470, Hardcover.

Eight years since the publication of its first edition, A Guide to the ICDR International Arbitration Rules (“Guide”), provides an updated review of the interpretation of the ICDR International Arbitration Rules (“ICDR Rules”). As the Guide elaborates, since its inception in 1991, the International Arbitration Rules evolved through various revisions and ultimately culminated in the 2014 amendments, which were made with the “primary objective of . . . improv[ing] the speed and cost-effectiveness of ICDR arbitration proceedings.”  The fact that the “the 2014 amendments [were] of considerably greater scale than prior amendments” makes this Second Edition an essential read.

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*Hiroko Yamamoto is an Associate at Latham & Watkins LLP.

**Kabir Duggal is a Senior International Arbitration Advisor at Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP and Lecturer-in-Law at Columbia Law School.