In God We Trust, All Others Pay Cash: Security for Costs in International Commercial Arbitration – Vol. 11 No. 3

AuthorNoah D. Rubins*

Published: June 2000

Categories of Disputes
Commercial Disputes
Dispute Resolution and Litigation

Description: In light of the exponential expansion of the scope and frequency of arbitration proceedings in commercial dealings throughout the world, much has been written on the actual benefits conferred by the resort to private, rather than public, dispute resolution tribunals. Indeed, neutrality, enforceability, and expertise make arbitration an indispensable mechanism in the resolution of complex, cross-border economic disputes.

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*Associate, international litigation and arbitration practice, Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue, Washington, D.C.; J.D., Harvard Law School; M.A.L.D., Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy; A.B., Brown University. I am deeply grateful to Arthur von Heren for his supervision and invaluable assistance in the original draft of this article. I would also like to thank Barry Garfinkel, John Gardiner and Dana Freyer of Skadden, Arps in New York for their insightful comments and support.