...entering into cross-border M&A transactions. Fifth, arbitration affords the parties in cross-border M&A significant autonomy. In contrast with litigation, where judges are appointed by the state, in arbitration parties benefit...
Author: Karen Halverson Cross* Published: March 2008 Jurisdiction: Argentina Topics: Categories of Disputes Commercial Disputes Banking and Finance Disputes Investment Disputes ICSID Description: I. INTRODUCTION At the end of 2001,...
Articles Court-Ordered Interim Measures In Aid Of International Commercial Arbitration Martin Davies Arbitration As A Means Of Resolving Sovereign Debt Disputes Karen Halverson Cross Liability v. Quasi-Judicial Immunity Of The...
...lawyers who viewed cross-examination as unnecessary and barely bothered with the exercise. This was our first arbitration pitted against senior barristers trained in the English tradition of cross-examination. It would...
...these disputes. II. CROSS-BORDER AGREEMENTS: ENFORCING AN MSA IN A FOREIGN JURISDICTION Cross-border Alternative Dispute Resolution (“ADR”) is on the rise. In the complex world of ADR, more parties to...
Author: José María de la Jara* Jurisdiction: International Topics: Online Arbitration Cross-Examination Hearing In 1906, John Phillip Sousa traveled to the United States Capitol to talk about a new technology....
...wishes to thank Professor Karen Halverson for her criticisms of an earlier version of this note, Nader Sohrabi and Shahram Ghasemian for their sound editorial advice, and Professor William B.T....
...of International Disputes: A Critical and Comparative Commentary (Vol. 8(3-4) December 1997) Cross-Examination José María de la Jara, Humans v. the Infernal Machine: Cross Examination in Virtual Hearings (Blog, August...
...and procedural simplicity. However, respondents also pointed out that it is difficult to schedule across time zones. Counsel noted the difficulty of cross-examining witnesses and evaluating testimony virtually. On this...
...create a brand new dispute settlement mechanism for parties from OBOR countries, and to better facilitate the resolution of cross-border disputes arising from businesses carried out under OBOR.[9] Recently, words...
...north). Fewer women than men hold such senior roles in international arbitration teams across the globe because women face greater obstacles when seeking to advance. The pool of potential male...
...is a seemingly great match with new technologies such as cryptocurrencies or other “decentralized digital assets,” in terms of “neutrality, cross border enforceability and the flexibility to tailor specific arbitration...
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